The TickerType jQuery plugin allows you to animate a set of headlines or any other list of text items using a typewriter (or “write on”) style animation.
Colorize is a jQuery plugin to add background color to alternate table rows, highlight a row/column on mouse over, and colorize a row/column when you click
Using this plugin, your MSIE users will see your website with a grayscale color This plugin helps people moving away from Internet Explorer: it turns
This Plugin helps you to create 360° Panoramas from an Image with a HTML-Map.
Parses URLs and provides easy access to information within them, such as the protocol, host, port, the segments that make up the path and the various query
Fixes the transparency of CSS background images in IE < 7.
This plugin allow to select data with ID|LABEL format like an xHTML SELECT. Selectable data is loaded by ajax.
Like PHP Serialize andUnserialize Functions. Sample: var Test = Array(); Test[-8.52] = ‘fff’; Test[‘tt’] = Array();
The Star Rating widget is a plugin for the jQuery javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input
A jQuery plugin to add labels to your textboxes. A fairly common design pattern in web forms is to have some explanatory help
This is based on Cody Lindley’s Thickbox plugin. I wanted the “Previous” and “Next” navigation of lightbox, but without all the fancy animation and image
The sprintf family of functions produces output according to a given format, just like the corresponding libc functions.
BogoDice provides rudimentary “dice rolling” behaviour. Simply apply the plugin to a button element, then clicking that element will “roll” the defined
This plugins aims to recreate the extjs’ border layout functionalities with jQuery. Here you have 2 demos:
Smooth, nested drop down menus from semantic markup. Simple integration, limited flexibility - you’ll either love it or hate it.
enjoy simple dropdown menus with pop!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery.
Makes it trivial to get/set values from any descendants of a DOM element(s), not just input and select elements. Simply add “name” attribute(s) (as you do
put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery.
This plugin simplifies the use of Event Delegation with multiple different descendants. This concept is very useful for pages with dynamic content (f.e: AHAH) where
The Label In plugin was designed to disply temp info to the user inside the input text tag, instead of using label outside.
jFeed 是一个通用的 RSS/ATOM 解析器jQuery插件 jFeed 支持 RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 和 Atom 1.0 等格式。
CoolInput is a simple plugin, inspired by Remy Sharp’s “hint plugin”that basically creates default text for input boxes.
this plugin can display options in slide style,you can select one radio by slide
I created a very basic function which allows you to convert XML in a string type, into an XML Document type, which gives you the benefits of XML with
Simple plugin to convert Arabic numbers to Roman Numerals…planning to add Roman to Arabic, documentation, and demo page.
jquery-in-place-edit is a simple and customizable plugin for implementing in- place editing of text.
Unobtrusivelib is a collection of small javascripts behaviors intended to replace the presence of script in the body of pages, as to open a popup or
Toggle, check or uncheck checkboxes. Also make them behave like radio buttons. Includes: toggleCheckboxes
TogglePane is similar to the Accordion plugin, the main difference being that it allows multiple items to be opened at one time. It uses the same HTML
TagCloud will convert any ordered or unordered list to a tagcloud. The font-size and color depend on the list elements value property or, if no
updateWithJSON is a jQuery plugin that updates elements on your page based on key/value pairs in a JSON object. Here’s how it works:
This plugin will easily allow you to do color transitions for text, background and borders for different events.
One easy plugin to trasform your html to easy and beautifull effect . Your html will be an continue vertical moviment.
Table pager is a simple jQuery plugin, it turns your tables into nice pages where the user can switch between them. It is possible to style all the html
A simple component to select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop Features Flat mode - as element in page