An equivalent of PHP’s date() function. Saves repetitive typing when formatting JavaScript dates for human-readable output.
Provides a function which allows GET and POST requests to ASP.NET Ajax enabled PageMethods and Web Services. The function only supports JSON requests and
This plugin is utility for convinience of communication between iframes in HTML page, it is mimicking from Qt’s signal/slot concept.
3D Carousel creates a mini-interactive page that can be a fun addition to a site. The inspiration came from the flash version posted on I recently used this version and w
A progressive enhancement to select multiple form elements. It provides a simpler alternative with the following advantages:
jQuery.YAV is a new plugin for to integrate YAV form validation with jQuery, making the form validation more easy, accessible, usable and W3C
Utility for using colors. Check the document page for more information.
This jQuery plugin is a one-to-many linking system inspired by the pickwhip inAdobe AfterEffects. Its purpose is to associate elements together in an easy way.
drop down menu with filter capability. the user can type several chars and the list will be automatically filtered showing only those that contain the typed
A Plugin to help determine the version of jQuery. Code: function jQueryVersion() { var ver = (new jQuery()).jquery;
Adds the ability to navigate over a set of elements using the arrow keys.
It’s a fairly common design pattern to want to limit the number of characters the user can input in a field whilst giving feedback to the user on how much
AjaxQ is a jQuery plugin that implements AJAX request queueing mechanism. Why? There are several reasons why you may need to queue AJAX requests and run them
Inline HTML Tooltip lets you define rich HTML tooltips that are embedded directly inside your webpage and that appear when the mouse rolls over links
Do jQuery AJAX calls in exactly the same way you do today yet still get the benefits of client-side caching. Simply swap $.ajax() for $.Tache.Get().
Sets a division to rotate between contained images as if they were on the faces of a cube. You can also “rotate” blocks of text if you want. You have
Description This plugin dynamically skin default form’s drop down menu, i.e. <select>, of choice as if rendered on Safari browser; thus, the name: Mac-Style Drop
Cross-browser designMode What is designMode? Almost all major browsers offer a de facto support for rich text editing,
The XML to JSON Plugin (jQuery.xml2json) is a script you can use to convert simple XML into a JSON object.
This script enhances the default “title” attribute of HTML so certain tooltips can instead get their contents from an external file, with rich HTML content
jDrop -Alpha -0.3.7 jDrop turns your SELECT OPTION form elements into drop down lists that can be fully styled with CSS. Use jDrop as an image combo box or
Flexify is a jQuery plugin which allows web authors to create fluid, full- page, flexible layouts for their web applications. Overlaying the CSS box
editEase Precis A very simple jQuery CMS that can be configured and set up in around 2 minutes. Plugging in to your site is a breeze, and can be done at almost any
Purpose of this plugin is very simple yet very effective. It uses jQuery to replace orginal <select> tag into fully skinable replacement. Orginal<select> tag is being hidden but changes
GridTable The plugin has the following features: works on html-tables and leaves the structure fully intact
Timeago 是一个用来将实际的时间戳转成适合阅读的格式,例如2分钟前这样的内容。
Set up input fields to allow the entry of a time value. Can be driven via the keyboard or with the mouse.
Simple carousel component for only showing a window of content on a slider, similar to a slideshow.
jquery.flyout provides an elegant, animated method of displaying images from a thumbnail link. jquery.flyout was originally designed to be a simple yet elegant way to show
Simple ajax component for edit in place. Can replace any div, span, p, etc … by an input box and two buttons to
DynaCloud is a jQuery plugin that generates tag or keyword clouds from text on web pages and highlights matching parts once a keyword is clicked.
A very simple to use form validation plugin for jQuery, no complicated settings and configuration options to get going.
This plugin allows for easier and more intuitive creation of dom elements. Examples Static List Dynamic List
charToTable converts characters to HTML tables. A PHP script is used at the server side to convert the character to an image,
A small plugin to inject a text into inputs ortextareas as a label. The text is removed when the element is focused and re-injected onblur if the