

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


jQuery.CoolInput 介绍

CoolInput is a simple plugin, inspired by Remy Sharp’s “hint
basically creates default text for input boxes.

The default text is derived from the input’s title attribute by default and is
displayed grayed out in the content area and disappears when the input gains
focus and re-appears if no changes are made appears when it loses focus.

Customization options include:

  • changing the blurred style
  • submitting or not the default text in the case of a blank submit
  • adding an optional style to the input box (useful for those spotlight search icons)
  • New! Use any attribute to determine default-text, no longer limited to title attribute
  • Newer! Fixed a bug with the “clear hint on submit” feature, where if the inputted text was exactly the same as the hint it would not submit

Last update: 17/09/2008


jQuery.CoolInput 官网



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