Dylans Autocomplete

程序名称:Dylans Autocomplete

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: JavaScript

Dylans Autocomplete 介绍

A full featured autocompleter that’s easy to use. It uses caching to produce
lightning speeds and to limit server requests.

A brief history of autocomplete plugins:

  • I wrote an original autocomplete plugin.
  • Several people used it, modified it, fixed bugs, made it better. Notably Dan G. Switzer.
  • Jörn Zaffaerer did a complete rewrite, which depends on other jQuery plugins, and has a lot of added functionality.
  • I took Dan’s version of my original and did some slight modifications of my own. This is the version we are talking about here.

Dylans Autocomplete 官网



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