

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


tableRowCheckboxToggle 介绍

  • It generically adds the toggle checkbox function to any table rows you specify based on the css class names.
  • It will by default toggle any checkboxes within the table row.
  • You can manually exclude checkboxes based on name, id or css classes in the script.
  • If there is any applicable checkboxes inside of the table row that are checked, it will apply a class to the table row.
  • It also marks table rows when there are checked applicable checkboxes on page load.

Simply include jQuery and this javascript and customize below in the

// give me a list of table rows classes you want to apply this affect to var tableRowCheckboxToggleClasses=new Array('odd_row', 'even_row'); // give me a class name you want to add to the table row when there are checkboxes checked var tableRowCheckboxCheckedClass='marked'; // by default, this script will apply to checkboxes within the rows specified // HOWEVER, you may manually exclude certain checkboxes based on their name, id or class // specify below var excludeCheckboxesWithNames=new Array('testName'); var excludeCheckboxesWithIds=new Array('checkme100', 'checkme101'); var excludeCheckboxesWithClasses=new Array('testClass');

It will just work :)

tableRowCheckboxToggle 官网


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