Preload Images Automatically from CSS Just link up the script and call:script source:

程序名称:Preload Images Automatically from CSS Just link up the script and call:script source:

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


Preload Images Automatically from CSS Just link up the script and call:script source: 介绍

This script parses through linked and imported stylesheets and creates an
array of all the image urls they contain. Then it loops through the array of
urls and creates an image object for each one so they’ll be cached and ready
for later use. Using this script means we only have to worry about specifying
background images and states in our CSS files, and the script takes care of
the rest!

Just link up the script and call:


This will default to a root “images” directory for finding images. To specify
a different images directory, pass it in via the options :
$.preloadCssImages({ 'imgDir': 'myImagesDirectory' });

script source:

Preload Images Automatically from CSS Just link up the script and call:script source: 官网


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