getPlugin (aka lazy loader)

程序名称:getPlugin (aka lazy loader)

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


getPlugin (aka lazy loader) 介绍

getPlugin is aimed at improving performance by keeping unnecessary scripts
and styles out of the DOM. The goal is to keep loading times as minimal as

This is especially useful if your website or application uses a large number
of plugins (and other scripts). It is even more useful if not all plugins are
needed whenever your page loads.


Functionality and usage are very similar to the $.getScript method of jQuery,
with a few enhancements.

The difference is that:

1. $.getPlugin makes sure that your functions are called after the plugin(s)
have loaded
2. You can also define the style sheets (CSS) that go along with each plugin
3. It’s easier to import multiple plugins and styles
4. It keeps your code tidy and understandable

It’s as simple as that.

Download Latest Version of
(080405), as of
05 April 2008.

getPlugin (aka lazy loader) 官网


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