DOM Elements Creator 0.3

程序名称:DOM Elements Creator 0.3

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


DOM Elements Creator 0.3 介绍

What is it?

DOM Elements Creator is a simple plugin for creating DOM elements on-a-fly
which can be used as part of jQuery statements.

When you want to create new DOM element in pure jQuery you must use
document.createElement() method and then new element must be wrapped in
$() before it can be used in jQuery context. You can also use HTML code as a
selector to create a new object but this way requires writing HTML, which is
rarely comfortable. And you must also remember to espace any quotes.
This plugin provides more elegant way to achieve the same effect and requires
writting less code.

How to use it?

Just import plugin file after importing the jQuery library and you’re set.


$.create(element[, attributes[, children]])


  • string element - name of the element to create
  • object|array attributes - element properties to be set, you shouln’t use events attributes here such as onclick, onmouseover etc. since they won’t work
  • string|array children - child elements (could also contain text value)


  • JavaScript/jQuery approach:

var div = document.createElement('div'); $(div).attr('id', 'myId').text('myText').appendTo('#myElem');

  • standard jQuery approach:

$('<div>').attr('id', 'myId').text('myText').appendTo('#myElem');


$('<div id="myId">myText</div>').appendTo('#myElem');

  • plugin approach:

$.create('div', {'id': 'myId'}, 'myText').appendTo('#myElem');

Incompatible changes


Plugin function was renamed from $.new to $.create to fix issues on
Internet Explorer.

DOM Elements Creator 0.3 官网


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