FlyDOM: Create DOM on the Fly

程序名称:FlyDOM: Create DOM on the Fly

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


FlyDOM: Create DOM on the Fly 介绍

Create DOM elements on the fly and automatically append or prepend them to
another DOM object. There are also template functions (tplAppend and
tplPrepend) that can take a simple HTML structure and apply a JSON object to
it to make creating layouts MUCH easier. This plugin was inspired by “Oslow”
[1], and since I could not get his code to work, I
decided I write my own plugin. My hope is that this version will be easier to
understand and maintain with future versions of jQuery. Update (July 13,
2007): Upgraded FlyDOM to 3.0; visit the FlyDOM homepage for more details.

FlyDOM: Create DOM on the Fly 官网


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