

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


StyleSwichter 介绍

StyleSwichter is a little jQuery plugin to alternate CSS stylesheets in a web
page. StyleSwichter set the appropiate style (previously saved in a cookie)
when the web page load, using the “DOM ready” function of jQuery. After this,
you can use the plugin (the same function) to establish another style, and the
plugin set it and save the selection in a cookie.

The plugin is around 2 KB and packed only 600 bytes. Take a look, the usage of
plugin is here:

// DOM ready! $(function(){ var options={ linkTitle: 'styleswichter', cookieName: 'selected-style' }; $.fn.StyleSwichter(options); });

The plugin find in the appropiate cookie, and, if a style is saved previously,
change to this style automatically. After this, in some place on your web
page, you can use the plugin as is:

$.fn.StyleSwichter({cssPath: 'path/style.css'});

As you can see, in this case we indicate the path to a CSS stylesheet. The
plugin establish this style and save in a cookie, to be use in sucesive reload
of the page. Note that we not use all the options here. Take a look to the
available options, that you can use if need. This is the default options

$.fn.StyleSwichter.defaults={ cssPath: '', cookiePath: '', cookieDays: 30, cookieDomain: '', cookieSecure: false, linkTitle: 'styleswichter', cookieName: 'selected-style' };

To read and write the appropiate cookie this plugin use the Cookie jQuery
, and
this is required in order to use StyleSwichter. The plugin as been tested in
Firefox 2, Opera 9, IExplorer 7 and Safari 3. The example file also contain
the documentation (in source code) and the link to download StyleSwichter.

In my weblog (in spanish language) I prepare a page to publish this plugin,
visit the StyleSwichter page in my
. Licensed under the GNU GPL license, I hope
this little plugin maybe is usefull for you. Any comments are welcome.

StyleSwichter 官网


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