

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


timepicker 介绍

This is a fairly simple jQuery plugin that replaces a single text input with a
set of pulldown menus to select hour, minute, and am/pm. Minute selections are
for quarter hours (:00, :15, :30, :45).

If the original input contains a time value in the format “hh:mmpp” (i.e.,
“06:30pm”), it will set the pulldown menus to the correct corresponding
values. Otherwise it will default to the current time. Minute values are
always rounded up to the next quarter hour.

The original input is updated whenever any of the pulldown menus change, so
there is no need to change anything else in your HTML form. The plugin can be
used safely to convert multiple inputs on the same page.

Options could easily be added for additional time formats or to change the
minute increments (say, to every 5 minutes, for instance).

Usage is simple. Given a plain text form input like this:

<input class="time" type="text" name="start" id="start" />

You would transform it into a timepicker like so:


timepicker 官网



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