

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


jCal 介绍

Super-sexy animated calendar datepicker for multi-day selection with multi-
month display. Allows for a sequence of months to reside side by side and for
the user to select a number of consecutive days. This is great for lodging
reservation systems, ticket purchasing systems, etc.

  • Home Page
  • Demo
  • Screenshot (showing a 2month calendar with selected days and a 1month calendar in the middle of scrolling animation)

Fast and 14K (10K for light version) before minify/packing/zip
FIXED ISSUE WITH jQuery 1.2.6 and IE6/IE7 in version 0.3.X!


  • fixed issue with wrong 2nd month displaying if current day of first month was greater than the number of days in the 2nd month. i.e. current date of 7/31/2008 and only 30 days in Sept then Oct would automatically be shown as the next month incorrectly.



  • added pretty combobox-ish pulldowns for months and years for easier navigation of date
  • variable scope bug fixes - no more lost or conflicting settings with multiple jCals


* speed improvements when scrolling through months and rollover day highlighting - 10% faster
* fixed retention of selected days when scrolling through months when selected days span multiple months


* fixed bug when scrolling over months that were completely blacked out via the dCheck functionality.
* fixed the dCheck day to be "zeroed out" i.e. the BOD (Beginning Of Day - 00:00:000GMT)to make the dCheck easier to work with.


* Fixed bug with jQuery 1.2.6 without the need of a patched version of the jQuery core. As it turns out the jQuery.fn.clone(true) was misused in my code when a simple jQuery.fn.appendTo() could be used to move elements from one container to another faster. This should not only now with with jQuery 1.2.6 but be significantly faster than previous versions when scrolling through months
* Added ability to access each instantiated calendar's selected day and selected number of days via the `$('#container').data('day')` and `$('#container').data('days')` cached variables from any other javascript scope
* The selected day(s) are now re-selected when scrolling through months and then scrolling back to the month(s) the day(s) are selected in


* included patched stock v1.2.6 jquery.js in minified format with fix from <http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2973>


* ability to force selection to start at beginning of week as per dayOffset setting


* cutoff sequential days incorrect on last month
* wrong month output in click callback
* added comments to extensible options
* now can configure how month starts, i.e. starts sunday, starts monday + more callback style changes
* added comments to help configure styles


*  **Animated "carousel" scrolling effect on month navigation**
*  **Less than 8KB without JSMin or compression! (1.5KB worth of default CSS)**
*  **Still table-less**


*  **Less than 5KB without JSMin or compression! (1.5KB worth of default CSS)**
*  **Built entirely with inline and block elements (div/span) - table-less**


* multiple consecutive date selection
* black out days
* start date and end date
* single month to as many months as you would like to fit side by side
* dynamic callback functions for dates selected and truncated consecutive days

jCal 官网



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