Flickr Plug-in

程序名称:Flickr Plug-in

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


Flickr Plug-in 介绍

jQuery Flickr plug-in is a JavaScript interface for Flickr Services API
written on top of the jQuery library. It’s function is to process a Flickr API
Standard Photo List returned in JSON and create a semantic gallery (unordered
list) of thumbnail images (list items) with links to full size images. When
combined with jQuery Litebox, or another rich slide show, jQuery Flickr
provides a completely client-side solution, for integrating Flickr into your
website, perfect for hosted blogs.

Newly added features:

  • Generated HTML elements allow custom attributes
  • Supports custom callback function after AJAX response

Flickr Plug-in 官网


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