Animated Collapsible DIV

程序名称:Animated Collapsible DIV

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


Animated Collapsible DIV 介绍

This script collapses any DIV on the page and lets users manually toggle its
appearance via a smooth “Web 2.0 style” animation. Three distinguishing
features of this script are:

  1. Ability for the script to work on both DIVs that have an explicit CSS height attribute defined, and without.
  2. Ability to ” group ” multiple collapsible content instances to act as a single unit, so opening one closes the others.
  3. Persistence can be enabled on each collapsible content individually that will remember if the DIV has been expanded, and upon the user’s return to the page within the same browser session, keep it expanded.
  4. Individually toggle various attributes of each collapsible content, whether a fade effect should be applied, the duration of the animation, an explicit height, plus whether the content should be hidden via scripting by default when the page loads.

Animated Collapsible DIV 官网


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