Input watermark

程序名称:Input watermark

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


Input watermark 介绍

This plugin allows you to create a text that’s only displayed when there no
text on the textbox and disappears when you focus on it.
This watermark is a little bit different from others I’ve seen, that’s why I’m
posting it here. I created this plugin because I faced the problem of creating
a watermark for a password field. Obviously (or not), all the watermarks that
I tried added the watermark text to the field itself, so the text was dotted!
Just like a password field should be… Well, that’s why this plugin is
different, you can use it even in password fields.
An array with options specifying two properties can be passed to the function.
The two properties are the watermarkText and watermarCssClass.
Then you just call the function like this:
$('.someSelector').watermark({watermarkText: 'Heey', watermarkCssClass: 'someCSS'})

Input watermark 官网


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