Default Animation Speed

程序名称:Default Animation Speed

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


Default Animation Speed 介绍

This is a very simple plugin that allows you to set the default animation
duration for all jQuery animations. As of this writing, jQuery 1.2.1 uses a
hard-coded value of 400 milliseconds, with no-built in way to set the default
(although it is easy enough to get the default.) I needed to be able to set
this default globally and on-the-fly for an internal company project, so I
decided to do it “the right way” and release it in case anyone else has the
same problem.

The plugin adds one function to the global jQuery object (it is not
chainable.) It accepts a single parameter, which is any valid animation speed

Calling the function without any parameters or with invalid value will set the
animation speed back to the default. The function returns the default
animation speed as an integer.

You call the function like this:


Default Animation Speed 官网


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