checkboxMod 0.2

程序名称:checkboxMod 0.2

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知


checkboxMod 0.2 介绍

This plugin is used to enhence the actual checkBox in pages. Depending on OS
and Theme, people actually have different check Box look and feel. The one in
Windows XP is actually looking good, but compared to Vista, Vista is even more
beautiful. I wanted to create a more standard check Box that you can use
everywhere (code behind, etc.).

In this version it is possible of synchronizing the UI with the JavaScript you
have in your page. What I mean is you can check the checkBox using the
JavaScript and it will synch with the custom checkBox. (Look at the demo to
see it working)

checkboxMod 0.2 官网


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