Heroku WP

程序名称:Heroku WP

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: Linux

开发语言: SHELL

Heroku WP 介绍

Heroku WP 是一个用来在 Heroku 上安装和运行 WordPress 的模板,侧重于安全和速度,使用官方 Heroku 堆栈。


  • nginx - For serving web content.

  • HHVM - A virtual machine designed to serve Hack and PHP.

  • MySQL - Provided by the ClearDB add-on.

  • Memcached - Provided by the MemCachier add-on.

  • Composer - A dependency manager to make installing and managing plugins easier.

In additon repository comes bundled with the following plugins.

Heroku WP 官网



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