class SomeVC: UIViewController { var c1: () -> () = { println(self) } var c2: () -> () { get { return { println(self) } } } var c3: () -> () { return { println(self) } } override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) c1() c2() c3() } }
(Function) <_TtC12SwiftiOSTest6SomeVC: 0x10bf1ed10> <_TtC12SwiftiOSTest6SomeVC: 0x10bf1ed10>
(c2和c3的不同之处仅在于,如果它只有gettable,则不必包括计算属性的get {…}。)
c1和c2 / c3之间的唯一区别是前者是一个存储属性,后者是计算属性,但我仍然期望闭包和它们捕获的值是相同的,即self总是引用封闭类。现在的方式,似乎没有明显的方法为c1闭包访问方法/属性的封闭类。
A lazy property means that you can refer to self within the default closure,because the lazy property will not be accessed until after initialization has been completed and self is kNown to exist.
class TableViewController: UIViewController { var name = "anil" // Since swift 2.0 came out @lazy is replaced by lazy lazy var c1: () -> () = { println(self) println( } var c2: () -> () { get { return { println(self) } } } var c3: () -> () { return { println(self) } } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() c1() c2() c3() } }
<_TtC12TableViewApp19TableViewController: 0x10d54e000>
<_TtC12TableViewApp19TableViewController: 0x10d54e000>
<_TtC12TableViewApp19TableViewController: 0x10d54e000>
将闭包分配给类实例变量会产生很强的参考周期。你应该避免这个。 Swift使用Capture列表
If you assign a closure to a property of a class instance,and the closure captures that instance by referring to the instance or its members,you will create a strong reference cycle between the closure and the instance. Swift uses capture lists to break these strong reference cycles. For more information,see 07000.
@lazy var c1: () -> () = { [uNowned self] in println(self) println( }