
授权协议: GPL

操作系统: Linux

开发语言: C/C++

libRUIN 介绍

libRUIN (Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses) 是一个基于 XML 的用户接口标志语言的渲染库,使用
ncurses 终端控制库开发。

GNU Guile and the SDOM Scheme module are used as the “glue” that manages user
input and event handling. An application programmer passes an XML document
(including, potentially, a set of CSS stylesheets) and an Ncurses WINDOW
structure, and libRUIN paints the WINDOW according to the markup and CSS. The
programmer may subsequently pass Ncurses-style input strings to that WINDOW
via libRUIN, and libRUIN will handle the resulting event flows.

libRUIN 官网


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