Apache XBean

程序名称:Apache XBean

授权协议: Apache

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: Java

Apache XBean 介绍

XBean 项目的目标是创建了一个基于插件的服务器,类似于Eclipse IDE 。
无需JMX编码的JMX,生命周期和类加载器管理,Spring 集成。

The goal of XBean project is to created a plugin based server analogous to
Eclipse being a plugin based IDE. XBean will be able to discover, download and
install server plugins from an Internet based repository. In addition, we
include support for multiple IoC systems, support for running with no IoC
system, JMX without JMX code, lifecycle and class loader management, and a
rock solid Spring integration.

Apache XBean 官网



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