jLab Java数值计算包


授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: Java

jLab 介绍

jLab是数值计算的Java执行环境。该jLab环境的目的是提供一个基于Matlab / Scilab喜欢的科学计算平台所支持的脚本引擎执行的Java语言。

The current jLab version provides four scripting engines:

  1. The j-Script engine which is Matlab-like, interpreted, but unfortunately relatively slow.
  2. The GroovySci compiled scripting engine which is based on the Groovy 1.6-beta source, with extensions to provide Matlab-like matrix operations. This is the default scripting engine.
  3. The JavaSci mode which is scripting Java, ultimately fast, about 10 to 30 times faster than GroovySci, but lacks many high-level Matlab-like features of GroovySci.
  4. The compiled j-Script engine, which is Matlab-like in syntax, has similar speed with the latest Matlab version, and works by compiling to GroovySci and to pure Java. Although many constructs are currently supported, it requires still much work.

jLab 官网



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