Forge <strong>Transports</strong> 介绍
Forge 是一个 TLS 协议的本地实现,一个实用的加密程序以及一组利用多网络资源开发 Web 应用的工具。
TLS:提供本地 JavaScript 客户端和服务器端 TLS 实现。
// create TLS client var client = forge.tls.createConnection({ server: false, caStore: /* Array of PEM-formatted certs or a CA store object */, sessionCache: {}, // supported cipher suites in order of preference cipherSuites: [ forge.tls.CipherSuites.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, forge.tls.CipherSuites.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA], virtualHost: '', verify: function(connection, verified, depth, certs) { if(depth === 0) { var cn = certs[0].subject.getField('CN').value; if(cn !== '') { verified = { alert: forge.tls.Alert.Description.bad_certificate, message: 'Certificate common name does not match hostname.' }; } } return verified; }, connected: function(connection) { console.log('connected'); // send message to server connection.prepare(forge.util.encodeUtf8('Hi server!')); /* NOTE: experimental, start heartbeat retransmission timer myHeartbeatTimer = setInterval(function() { connection.prepareHeartbeatRequest(forge.util.createBuffer('1234')); }, 5*60*1000);*/ }, /* provide a client-side cert if you want getCertificate: function(connection, hint) { return myClientCertificate; }, /* the private key for the client-side cert if provided */ getPrivateKey: function(connection, cert) { return myClientPrivateKey; }, tlsDataReady: function(connection) { // TLS data (encrypted) is ready to be sent to the server sendToServerSomehow(connection.tlsData.getBytes()); // if you were communicating with the server below, you'd do: // server.process(connection.tlsData.getBytes()); }, dataReady: function(connection) { // clear data from the server is ready console.log('the server sent: ' + forge.util.decodeUtf8(; // close connection connection.close(); }, /* NOTE: experimental heartbeatReceived: function(connection, payload) { // restart retransmission timer, look at payload clearInterval(myHeartbeatTimer); myHeartbeatTimer = setInterval(function() { connection.prepareHeartbeatRequest(forge.util.createBuffer('1234')); }, 5*60*1000); payload.getBytes(); },*/ closed: function(connection) { console.log('disconnected'); }, error: function(connection, error) { console.log('uh oh', error); } }); // start the handshake process client.handshake(); // when encrypted TLS data is received from the server, process it client.process(encryptedBytesFromServer); // create TLS server var server = forge.tls.createConnection({ server: true, caStore: /* Array of PEM-formatted certs or a CA store object */, sessionCache: {}, // supported cipher suites in order of preference cipherSuites: [ forge.tls.CipherSuites.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, forge.tls.CipherSuites.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA], // require a client-side certificate if you want verifyClient: true, verify: function(connection, verified, depth, certs) { if(depth === 0) { var cn = certs[0].subject.getField('CN').value; if(cn !== 'the-client') { verified = { alert: forge.tls.Alert.Description.bad_certificate, message: 'Certificate common name does not match expected client.' }; } } return verified; }, connected: function(connection) { console.log('connected'); // send message to client connection.prepare(forge.util.encodeUtf8('Hi client!')); /* NOTE: experimental, start heartbeat retransmission timer myHeartbeatTimer = setInterval(function() { connection.prepareHeartbeatRequest(forge.util.createBuffer('1234')); }, 5*60*1000);*/ }, getCertificate: function(connection, hint) { return myServerCertificate; }, getPrivateKey: function(connection, cert) { return myServerPrivateKey; }, tlsDataReady: function(connection) { // TLS data (encrypted) is ready to be sent to the client sendToClientSomehow(connection.tlsData.getBytes()); // if you were communicating with the client above you'd do: // client.process(connection.tlsData.getBytes()); }, dataReady: function(connection) { // clear data from the client is ready console.log('the client sent: ' + forge.util.decodeUtf8(; // close connection connection.close(); }, /* NOTE: experimental heartbeatReceived: function(connection, payload) { // restart retransmission timer, look at payload clearInterval(myHeartbeatTimer); myHeartbeatTimer = setInterval(function() { connection.prepareHeartbeatRequest(forge.util.createBuffer('1234')); }, 5*60*1000); payload.getBytes(); },*/ closed: function(connection) { console.log('disconnected'); }, error: function(connection, error) { console.log('uh oh', error); } }); // when encrypted TLS data is received from the client, process it server.process(encryptedBytesFromClient);