

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 未知

开发语言: Java

OSWorkflow 介绍


OSWorkflow is fairly different from most other workflow systems available,
both commercially and in the open source world. What makes OSWorkflow
different is that it is extremely flexible. This can be hard to grasp at
first, however. For example, OSWorkflow does not mandate a graphical tool for
developing workflows, and the recommended approach is to write the xml
workflow descriptors ‘by hand’. It is up to the application developer to
provide this sort of integration, as well as any integration with existing
code and databases. These may seem like problems to someone who is looking for
a quick “plug-and-play” workflow solution, but we’ve found that such a
solution never provides enough flexibility to properly fulfill all
requirements in a full-blown application.

OSWorkflow 官网



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