Open Toolkit

程序名称:Open Toolkit

授权协议: MIT/X

操作系统: Windows

开发语言: C#

Open Toolkit 介绍

Open Toolkit (OpenTk) 是一个强类型的跨平台 OpenGL 和 OpenAL 封装,适应 C# 和 Mono以及.NET 平台。可以在
GTK# 以及 WinForms 应用中独立的运行。


  • Strong-typing.
    Strongly-typed OpenGL and OpenAL bindings help you catch errors before they
    get a chance to manifest.

  • Integration.
    OpenTK can be used standalone, as a Windows.Forms.Control or as a GTK# Widget.

  • Deployment.
    OpenTK is a single dll that works on all platforms without recompilation
    (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X).

  • Rapid development.
    OpenTK has extensive inline documentation, while strong types and intellisense
    simplify OpenGL and OpenAL code.

  • Optimization.
    OpenTK plays well with the Garbage Collector - no memory is allocated while
    your program is running.

Open Toolkit 官网


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