pngquant 批量PNG图像转换库


授权协议: BSD

操作系统: Windows

开发语言: C/C++

pngquant 介绍

是一个批次转换数值化和高频振动真彩PNG图像的实用程序,特别是那些有一个完整的alpha通道,归结为“rgba调色板”PNG(即。,tRNS PLTE

pngquant is a batch conversion utility to quantize and dither truecolor PNG
images, especially those with a full alpha channel, down to “RGBA-palette”
PNGs (i.e., PLTE + tRNS in PNG parlance). Such images are usually two to four
times smaller than the full 32-bit versions, and partial transparency is
preserved quite nicely. This makes pngquant especially useful both for Web
sites and for PlayStation 2 development, where one of the texture formats is
RGBA-palette-based (though not PNG-compressed).

pngquant 官网


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