CognitiveJ <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Overlay</strong><strong>Other Notable Features</strong> Java 图像分析库

程序名称:CognitiveJ <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Overlay</strong><strong>Other Notable Features</strong>

授权协议: Apache

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: Java

CognitiveJ <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Overlay</strong><strong>Other Notable Features</strong> 介绍

CognitiveJ 是一个开源的 Java 图像分析库,可轻松实现对图像检测、解析以及人脸识别和特征识别的功能。


Facial Detection: Capture faces, gender, age, associated facial features,
and landmarks from an image.

Emotion Detection: Derive emotional state from faces within an image.

Verification: Verify, with a confidence scale, on whether two different
faces are of the same person.

Identification: Identify a person from a set of known people.

Find Similar: Detect, group, and rank similar faces.

Grouping: Group people based on facial characteristics.

Person Group/Person/Face Lists: Create, manage, and train groups, face
lists, and persons to interact with identification/grouping/find similar face


Image Describe: Describe visual content of an image and return real world
caption to what the image contains.

Image Analysis: Extract key details from an image and if the image is of
an adult/racy nature.

OCR: Detect and extract a text stream from an image.

Thumbnail: Create thumbnail images based on key points of interest from
an image.


Apply layers onto images to visually represent found features.

Apply captions onto faces and images.

Graphically illustrate the Faces/Vision feature sets.

Pixelate faces within an image.

Other Notable Features

Supports local and remote images.

Validation of parameters.

Image Grids.

CognitiveJ <strong>Vision</strong><strong>Overlay</strong><strong>Other Notable Features</strong> 官网


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