Python milter

程序名称:Python milter

授权协议: GPL

操作系统: Linux

开发语言: Python

Python milter 介绍

这是 Python 的 milter 模块,提供了 Sendmail
libmilter 的 Python 接口。

Milters can run on the same machine as sendmail, or another machine. The
milter can even run with a different operating system or processor than
sendmail. Sendmail talks to the milter via a local or internet socket, and
keeps the milter informed of events as it processes a mail connection. At any
point, the milter can cut the conversation short by telling sendmail to
ACCEPT, REJECT, or DISCARD the message. After receiving a complete message
from sendmail, the milter can again REJECT or DISCARD it, but it can also
ACCEPT it with changes to the headers or body.

Python milter 官网


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