git v_0.99 README翻译

git v_0.99翻译

GIT - the stupid content tracker

git 是一个愚蠢的内容追踪器


This is a stupid (but extremely fast) directory content manager. It doesn’t do a whole lot, but what it does do is track directory contents efficiently.
git 是一个愚蠢但是相当有效率的目录内容管理器。它不是把所有事都做了,但是它的本行(追踪目录内容)完成的很有效率。

There are two object abstractions: the “object database”, and the"current directory cache" aka “index”.

  • 对象数据库
  • 当前目录缓存 (一般被成为索引)

object database

The Object Database

The object database is literally just a content-addressable collection of objects. All objects are named by their content, which is approximated by the SHA1 hash of the object itself. Objects may refer to other objects (by referencing their SHA1 hash), and so you can build up a hierarchy of objects.
对象数据库实际上是一组对象的按内容寻址的集合。所由的对象由他们的内容命名,这个名称近似于对象本身的SHA1hash码。对象可以引用其他对象的SHA1 hash码,因此你可以构建一个对象的体系结构。

All objects have a statically determined “type” aka “tag”, which is determined at object creation time, and which identifies the format of the object (i.e. how it is used, and how it can refer to other objects). There are currently four different object types: “blob”, “tree”, “commit” and “tag”.

  • A “blob” object cannot refer to any other object, and is, like the tag implies, a pure storage object containing some user data. It is used to actually store the file data, i.e. a blob object is associated with some particular version of some file.
    blob对象不能引用到任何其他对象,就像它的名称那样,它仅仅是一个储存用户数据的存储对象。blob 一般被用作存储文件数据,也就是说,一个blob对象与一些对象的特定版本有关联。

  • A “tree” object is an object that ties one or more “blob” objects into a directory structure. In addition, a tree object can refer to other tree objects, thus creating a directory hierarchy.
    tree 对象是一个将若干个 blob对象放置到目录结构中的对象。另外,tree对象可以引用到其他的树对象,因此可以构建 目 录 层 次 结 构 {\color{red} 目录层次结构} 目录层次结构。

  • A “commit” object ties such directory hierarchies together into a DAG of revisions - each “commit” is associated with exactly one tree (the directory hierarchy at the time of the commit). In addition, a “commit” refers to one or more “parent” commit objects that describe the history of how we arrived at that directory hierarchy.
    commit对象将 目 录 层 次 结 构 {\color{red} 目录层次结构} 目录层次结构构成一个版本的有向无环图。每一个commit 都与某一个tree(commit时的目录层次体系)。另外,一个commit与一个或多个描述了我们如何到达目录体系结构的历史的父commit对象有关联。

As a special case, a commit object with no parents is called the “root” object, and is the point of an initial project commit. Each project must have at least one root, and while you can tie several different root objects together into one project by creating a commit object which has two or more separate roots as its ultimate parents, that’s probably just going to confuse people. So aim for the notion of “one root object per project”, even if git itself does not enforce that.

  • A “tag” object symbolically identifies and can be used to sign other objects. It contains the identifier and type of another object, a symbolic name (of course!) and, optionally, a signature.

