Ringo 分布式的KeyValue存储系统


授权协议: 未知

操作系统: Linux

开发语言: ErLang

Ringo 介绍

Ringo 是一个分布式的Key-Value存储系统,采用 ErLang 语言开发。支持磁盘数据存储。

Ringo is an experimental, distributed, replicating key-value store based on
consistent hashing and immutable data. Unlike many general-purpose databases,
Ringo is designed for a specific use case: For archiving small (less than 4KB)
or medium-size data items (<100MB) in real-time so that the data can survive K
- 1 disk breaks, where K is the desired number of replicas, without any
downtime, in a manner that scales to terabytes of data. In addition to
storing, Ringo should be able to retrieve individual or small sets of data
items with low latencies (<10ms) and provide a convenient on-disk format for
bulk data access.

Ringo 官网



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