未找到活动以XML定义的Intent处理SEND Intent


在设置菜单中,我想要一个共享按钮。我可以使用create function [dbo].[fnNumbers]( @zero_or_one bit,@n bigint) returns table with schemabinding as return with n(n) as (select null from (values (1),(2),(3),(4)) n(n)) select 0 n where @zero_or_one = 0 union all select top(@n) row_number() over(order by (select null)) n from n na,n nb,n nc,n nd,n ne,n nf,n ng,n nh,n ni,n nj,n nk,n nl,n nm,n np,n nq,n nr; 这样的意图来打开链接:

with pack_cte(package,sum_quantity) as (
    select package,sum(quantity)
    from #package_quantities
    group by package)
select p.package,p.sum_quantity,p_calc.num_packages,fn.n subpackage,case when p_calc.num_packages<>fn.n or (p_calc.num_packages=fn.n and p.sum_quantity%5=0) 
            then 5 else p.sum_quantity%5 end quanityofpackage
from pack_cte p
     cross apply (select ceiling(p.sum_quantity/5.0) num_packages) p_calc
     cross apply fnNumbers(1,p_calc.num_packages) fn;

但是,当我尝试执行以下操作进行共享时,按首选项package sum_quantity num_packages subpackage quanityofpackage 10 13 3 1 5 10 13 3 2 5 10 13 3 3 3 20 14 3 1 5 20 14 3 2 5 20 14 3 3 4 30 12 3 1 5 30 12 3 2 5 30 12 3 3 2 40 20 4 1 5 40 20 4 2 5 40 20 4 3 5 40 20 4 4 5






小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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