解析雅虎金融期权链 R



我正在尝试在 R 中手动解析来自 Yahoo Finance 的期权链。我知道 quantmod() 方法,但使用此包存在不足。我找到了一种使用 rvest 解析 HTML 的方法,但是我在格式化解析时遇到问题。

在最后几行代码中,我注意到每 11 行就有一个期权合约的所有信息。但是我不知道如何将这些数据放入表格中。我读过 html_table 但不知道如何使用它。我的管道方法给了我一个错误(我认为是因为没有 .calls 节点)但我想知道如何有效地管理我的 HTML 解析给出的信息。如果我无法搜索 Call 和 Puts,至少我知道每 11 行我有完整的合约详细信息。



#Define Black-Scholes Formula:
Black_Scholes <- function(S,X,sigma,r,q,ttm,type){
  #S = stock price
  #X = strike price
  #sigma = volatility
  #r = risk free interest rate
  #q = dividend yield
  #ttm = time to maturity in days
  #type = option type
  b <- r - q
  t <- ttm/365.25
  d1 <- (log(S / X) + (b + sigma ^ 2 / 2) * t) / (sigma * sqrt(t))
  d2 <- d1 - sigma * sqrt(t)
  if(type == "call"){
    price <- S * exp((b - r) * t) * pnorm(d1) - X * exp(-r * t) * pnorm(d2)
  }else if (type == "put"){
    price <-  (X * exp(-r * t) * pnorm(-d2) - S * exp((b - r) * t) * pnorm(-d1))
#Inverse pricing model used to obtain  Implied Volatility (IV) has no closed-form solution. 
#Need to use an optimizer to calculate IV. 
#Implement an objective function then use the optimize function to get IV.

Volatility_Optimizer <- function(sigma,price,S,K,type){
  abs(price - Black_Scholes(S,type))

#optimize(Volatility_Optimizer,interval = c(0,2),price = price,S = S,K = K,r = r,q = q,ttm = ttm,type = type)

#Input an Example Option Contract: Apple Inc. (NYSE:APPL)
price = 3.55 #Price of Option Contract
S = 119.02 #Current Price of Underlying Asset
K = 125 #Strike Price indicated by Option Contract
r = 0.0011 #Risk-free rate,Treasury 3M Bill Rate,1.1% on October 16,2020
q = 0 #Dividend Yield
ttm = 28 #Time to maturity (in days)
type = "call" #Type of Option

optimize(Volatility_Optimizer,type = type)
#[1] 0.4510778
#Implied Volatility = 45.11% vs. 45.12% listed on Yahoo Finance

#[1] 4.005748e-05
#Underlying Asset info and last Trade date
symbol <- "AAPL"
priceInfo <- getQuote(symbol)
lastPrice <- priceInfo$Last
date <- as.Date(priceInfo$`Trade Time`)

#Apply moneyness boundaries and time to maturity (ttm)
moneynessBoundaries <- c(0.85,1.15) #or: (0.95,1.05) etc
ttmBoundaries <- c(7,183) #one week to 26 weeks (6M)
#Scrape Yahoo Finance site
baseUrl <- paste0("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/",symbol,"/options")
baseHTML <- read_html(baseUrl)
baseHTML[69:85] #All expiration dates from HTML parsing
#[1] "march 12,2021"     "march 19,2021"     "march 26,2021"     "April 1,2021"     
#[5] "April 9,2021"      "April 16,2021"     "April 23,2021"     "May 21,2021"      
#[9] "June 18,2021"      "July 16,2021"      "September 17,2021" "October 15,2021"  
#[13] "January 21,2022"   "June 17,2022"      "September 16,2022" "January 20,2023"  
#[17] "march 17,2023" 

#Pull Expiries from Options and Convert to TTM (time to maturity,ttm)
expiriesUNIX <- baseHTML[69:85]
expiries <- as.Date(expiriesUNIX,format = "%b %d,%Y")
timetoMats <- as.numeric(expiries - date)
#[1]   7  14  21  27  35  42  49  77 105 133 196 224 322 469 560 686 742
#Above we have the number of days until out Option contracts Expire

#expiriesUNIX <- baseHTML %>% html_nodes("option") %>% html_attr("value")
#expiries <- as.Date((baseHTML %>% html_nodes("option") %>% html_text()),%Y")
#timetoMats <- as.numeric(expiries - date)
#Select applicable expiries for our range of TTM Boundaries: 7 days to 180 days (6M)
sel <- timetoMats >= ttmBoundaries[1] & timetoMats <= ttmBoundaries[2]

expiriesUNIX <- expiriesUNIX[sel]
expiries <- expiries[sel]
timetoMats <- timetoMats[sel]

#URL codes for specific expirations dates
expiriesUNIX_code <- c(1615507200,1616112000,1616716800,1617235200,1617926400,1618531200,1619136000,1621555200,1623974400,1626393600)

#Loop over the Expiries to get Calls and Puts
calls <- NULL
puts <- NULL
#Example Parsing of Option Contracts for a Given Expiration
expiryUrl <- paste0(baseUrl,"?date=",expiriesUNIX_code[10])
# https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/options?date=1626393600
expiryHTML <- read_html(expiryUrl)
#Every 11 lines we see the information for one Call contract
#[105] "AAPL210716C00022500"                                 
#[106] "2021-02-23 3:51PM EST"                               
#[107] "22.50"                                               
#[108] "103.50"                                              
#[109] "98.50"                                               
#[110] "99.45"                                               
#[111] "0.00"                                                
#[112] "-"                                                   
#[113] "2"                                                   
#[114] "3"                                                   
#[115] "109.38%"                                             
#[116] "AAPL210716C00025000" 
tmpCalls <- expiryHTML %>% html_nodes(".calls") %>% html_table()




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