

| 我有两个xml文件。 File1.xml:
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid1\" assetTitle=\"Title1\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid2\" assetTitle=\"Title2\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid3\" assetTitle=\"Title3\" />
<file id=\"guid1\" />
<file id=\"guid2\" />
<file id=\"guid3\" />
我知道File1.xml(\“ Title1 \”)中assetTitle的值。我需要使用该值来获取/选择file1.xml中的fileAssetGuid(\“ guid1 \”)值。然后,我需要使用file1.xml中fileAssetGuid的值(\“ guid1 \”)来找到file2.xml中的ID(\“ guid1 \”)。 如何在PowerShell中完成此操作?     


Select-Xml -Path \"$pwd\\file1.xml\" -XPath \"/root/fileAsset[@assetTitle]\" | 
    ForEach {
        $id = $_.Node.fileAssetGuid
        Select-Xml -Path \"$pwd\\file2.xml\" -XPath \"/root/file[@id=\'$id\']\" | 
            ForEach { $_.Node }


foreach( $assetGuideRecord in (Select-Xml -Path \"$pwd\\file1.xml\" -XPath \"/root/fileAsset[@assetTitle]\") ) {
    $id = $assetGuideRecord.node.fileAssetGuid

    foreach( $record in (Select-Xml -Path \"$pwd\\file2.xml\" -XPath \"/root/file[@id=\'$id\']\") ) {
    ,        以下应该做您想做的(出于说明目的,我添加了一些内容):
PS D:\\MiLu\\Dev\\PowerShell> cat .\\xmlsel1.xml
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid1\" assetTitle=\"Title1\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid2\" assetTitle=\"Title2\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid3\" assetTitle=\"Title3\" />
PS D:\\MiLu\\Dev\\PowerShell> cat .\\xmlsel2.xml
<file id=\"guid1\" data=\"one\" />
<file id=\"guid2\" data=\"two\" />
<file id=\"guid3\" data=\"three\" />
PS D:\\MiLu\\Dev\\PowerShell> cat .\\xmlsel.ps1
$doc1 = [xml](get-content xmlsel1.xml)
$title = \"Title2\"
$asset = $doc1.file1.fileAsset | where { $_.assetTitle -eq $title }
# echo $asset
# echo $asset.assetTitle
# echo $asset.fileAssetGuid

$doc2 = [xml](get-content xmlsel2.xml)
$file = $doc2.file2.file | where { $_.id -eq $asset.fileAssetGuid }
# echo $file
echo $file.data
PS D:\\MiLu\\Dev\\PowerShell> .\\xmlsel.ps1
    ,        使用Xpath。
# Load up the XML 1. I\'ve used here-string,but anything goes.
[xml]$x1 = @\'
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid1\" assetTitle=\"Title1\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid2\" assetTitle=\"Title2\" />
<fileAsset fileAssetGuid=\"guid3\" assetTitle=\"Title3\" />

# Ditto for XML 2.
[xml]$x2 = @\'
<file id=\"guid1\" />
<file id=\"guid2\" />
<file id=\"guid3\" />

# Look for fileAsset element that has assettitle attribute
# which has value Title1

# Look for file node from XML2 that has id attribute
# that has value we got from XML1 with assetTitle 

# Remove the node by calling its parent\'s RemoveChild()

# View final XML on the console


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