win10 1903

Windows 10 v1903/19H1 and Windows Server 2019 v1903/19H1 will hang or BSOD during power-on when vIOMMU is enabled (68043)


During installation or in-place upgrade to v1903/19H1 releases of Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019,the guest will hang (at the windows logo screen) or BSOD.



This is a kNown issue in v1903/19H1 of both Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 that first appeared in build 18362. VMware is collaborating with Microsoft on a fix and Microsoft has published KB4497935 to resolve this issue

Customers who meet all of the following criteria are affected:
  • Using VMware Cloud on AWS,Sphere 6.7 or later
  • VM is on hardware version 14 or later
  • VM is enabled with vIOMMU or "Virtualization Based Security" (VBS),regardless if VBS is enabled in Windows
  • Customer is attempting to install or perform in-place upgrade to v1903/19HA releases of Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019
If you are affected,we recommend delaying adoption of v1903/19H1 until after patch is available from Microsoft.


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