虚拟化 – Windows域控制器可以虚拟化吗?



Could you explain the snapshot chaos
point? Isn’t reverting to a snapshot
going to act like restoring from
backup,i.e. it will sync recent
changes from the other DCs?

活动目录不支持该目录.复制更新后,将不会重新复制.通常,如果要还原活动目录,则需要执行特殊过程. (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc779573.aspx). KB article Sam Cogan和gharper特别提到了这一点.

In particular,Active Directory does
not support any method that restores a
snapshot of the operating system or
the volume the operating system
resides on. This kind of method causes
an update sequence number (USN)
rollback. When a USN rollback occurs,
the replication partners of the
incorrectly restored domain controller
may have inconsistent objects in their
Active Directory databases. In this
situation,you cannot make these
objects consistent.

We also do not support using “undo”
and “differencing” features in Virtual
PC on operating system images for
domain controllers that run in virtual
hosting environments.

Microsoft AD团队刚刚发布了一篇关于how to virtualize domain controllers的新文章,其中包含一些建议.


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