active-directory – 从AD中删除旧DC,删除“子树”?

一个月前,我从2003年开始迁移到SBS 2011.当我退役旧的2003 DC时,我让它离开了域名.但是,它仍然在AD中有一个计算机帐户.当我尝试删除它时,我收到此消息(已翻译):

The object SRV2003 contains other objects. Do you want to remove the object SRV2003 and all the objects it contains?

If you cancel the removal in process any objects removed are not restored.

WARNING: If you check the Box “Use server control for removal of subtrees” all objects in the subtree are removed,including objects which are protected against removal,and the removal cannot be undone.


如果单击ADUC MMC中的“查看…”并选择“用户,组和计算机作为容器…”,您将能够查看子对象.如果您在比03更新的操作系统上运行ADUC,我相信选择被重命名为“将对象视为容器…”.


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