windows-services – Msmq和WCF服务

我使用NetMsmq绑定创建了一个WCF服务,我在我的机器上创建了一个私有队列并执行了该项目.这样工作正常,我的WCF服务启动并使用调试环境中的队列访问消息.现在,我想使用 Windows服务托管服务,同样我也创建了一个新项目和Windows安装程序(此服务在本地系统帐户下运行).然后我尝试通过命令提示符使用InstallUtil命令安装此Windows服务.当安装正在进行并且在服务主机打开期间,我得到一个例外说:
There was an error opening the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running,the queue exists and has proper authorization to be read from. The inner exception may contain additional information. 
Inner Exception System.ServiceModel.MsmqException: An error occurred while opening the queue:Access is denied. (-1072824283,0xc00e0025). The  message cannot be sent or received from the queue. Ensure that MSMQ is installed and running. Also ensure that the queue is available to open with the required access mode and authorization.
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.OpenQueue()
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.GetHandle()
   at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.SupportsAccessMode(String formatName,Int32 accesstype,MsmqException& msmqException)


汤姆·霍兰德(Tom Hollander)有一个关于使用WCF的MSMQ的三部分博客系列 – 非常值得一试!

> MSMQ,WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 1)
> MSMQ,WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 2)
> MSMQ,WCF and IIS: Getting them to play nice (Part 3)



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