mcrypt在Windows / IIS上的PHP 5.6中不起作用

多年来,我一直在我的PHP应用程序中大量使用mcrypt,无论是在win / IIS还是在 linux上.虽然我在我的 linux服务器上运行 PHP 5.4.28,但我刚刚在Windows 8.1 IIS框中升级PHP 5.6.11.并且mcrypt不再有效.它没有抛出我能看到的任何错误;它只是不起作用.这是我的加密功能
function Encrypt($text){ 
    global $salt;
    if($text != "")
        return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,$salt,$text,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB,mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB),MCRYPT_RAND))));  
        return "";

这在我的Linux服务器上工作正常,但在我的本地Windows框中返回空白.根据我的阅读,mcrypt内置于PHP 5.6 for windows中,因此不应该使用扩展或ini文件.


让我们一块一块地看看你的代码. (主要是化妆品/空白变化.)
function Encrypt($text)
    global $salt; // Why not make this a second parameter?
    if($text != "") { // An unusual check,for sure
        return trim( // base64_encode doesn't leave whitespace
                    MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,// This is a non-standard variant of the
                                         // Rijndael cipher. You want to use the
                                         // MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 constant if you
                                         // wanted to use AES here.
                    $salt,// This is a key,not a salt!
                    $text,// ECB mode is the worst mode to use for
                                     // cryptography. Among other reasons,it
                                     // doesn't even use the IV. Search for 
                                     // ECB penguins for an idea of why ECB
                                     // mode is such a bad idea.
                        mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256,MCRYPT_RAND // You're using ECB mode so this is a waste
                                    // anyway,but you should use
                                    // MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM instead of MCRYPT_RAND
    return "";

我强烈建议您不要使用此功能.这不安全. Don’t use ECB mode.

此外,unauthenticated encryption is dangerouslibmcrypt is abandonware.


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