23 NESMA 直接处理和延时处理 案例分析




应用程序为其用户提供了根据地区更新被保险人的保险组的机会;例如, 地区盗窃保险费。该应用程序允许其用户通过屏幕将邮政编码系列分配给不同的保险组。在本示例中,处理了三种功能不同的情况。每种情况都说明了应如何进行功能点分析。





23.1 直接处理





23.2 延时处理







  • 为进入保险组并对保险组进行夜间调整识别一个外部输入
  • 交易报告识别一个外部输出

23.3 延后处理并维护







  • 一个外部输入用于邮政编码系列的初始输入和夜间处理。
  • 包含邮政编码系列的事务文件一个内部逻辑文件
  • 用于从事务文件中更改和删除邮政编码序列的两个外部输入。
  • 交易报告识别一个外部输出


Problem description

An application provides its users the opportunity to update an insurance group for those insured on the basis of region; e.g., regional theft insurance premiums. The application enables its users to assign a zip code series to a different insurance group by means of a screen. In this illustration, three functionally different situations are handled. Each situation shows how function point analysis should be carried out.

The update in the first situation takes place immediately after a zip code series has been entered. Then a new series can be entered. When the user is finished with the function and one or more insurance groups have been adjusted, the application prints a report of the transactions for verification purposes.

In the second situation, the user can enter one or more zip code series. The processing of the data is done at night. When the insurance groups have been adjusted, the application prints a report of the transactions for verification purposes. Once the zip code series have been entered, they can no longer be maintained.

In the third situation, the user can enter one or more zip code series. The application processes the data at night, after which it prints a report of the transactions for verification purposes. Now, however, the zip code series entered can still be changed or deleted after they have been entered, but before their nightly processing.

For each of the situations above, determine which functions should be identified. Does the transaction file with the zip code series in situation 2 and/or 3 count as an internal logical file?

23.1 Direct processing


The main objective of this function is the adjustment of the insurance groups. The data that is saved is functionally permanent data. This means that an external input is present. The creation of the transaction report is inextricably bound to the function, and the report itself fulfills a functional requirement; i.e., it is necessary for verification purposes. The transaction report also crosses the application boundary. For thesereasons, an external output is identified for the transaction report, even though the function is inextricably bound to the external input.


Count the following functions:

  • One external input for entering and adjusting the insurance groups
  • One external output for the transaction report

23.2 Delayed processing


The main objective of this function is the adjustment of the insurance groups. The data saved is functionally permanent data. This means that at least one external input is present. FPA considers the entering of the zip code series and the nightly processing of the data as delayed processing. It sees the nightly processing and the entering of the zip code series as a whole.

The zip code series temporarily saved cannot be maintained and are not permanent because the data no longer exists after being processed during the nightly processing. In other words, the data is “consumed”. The zip code series therefore form a temporary dataset that cannot be considered an internal logical file.

The creation of the transaction report is inextricably bound to the nightly processing, and the report itself fulfills a functional requirement; i.e., it is necessary for verification purposes. The transaction report also crosses the application boundary. For these reasons, the transaction report is identified as an external output, even though the function is inextricably bound to the external input.


Count the following functions:

  • One external input for entering the insurance groups and for the nightly adjustment of the insurance groups
  • One external output for the transaction report

23.3 Delayed processing and maintenance


This main objective of this function is the adjustment of the insurance groups. The data that is saved is functionally permanent data. This means that at least one external input is present. FPA considers the entering of the zip code series and the nightly processing of the data as delayed processing. It sees the nightly processing and the entering of the zip code series as a whole.

The zip code series stored can be maintained and therefore make up an internal logical file. Furthermore, two maintenance functions are identified: one for changing zip code series and one for deleting them.

The creation of the transaction report is inextricably bound to the nightly processing, and the report itself fulfills a functional requirement; i.e., it is necessary for verification purposes. The transaction report also crosses the application boundary. For these reasons, the transaction report is identified as an external output, even though the function is inextricably bound to the external input.


Count the following functions:

  • One external input for the initial input of zip code series and the nightly processing together.
  • One internal logical file for the transaction file containing zip code series.
  • Two external inputs for the changing and deleting of the zip code series from the transaction file.
  • One external output for the transaction report

