【裂缝识别】基于matlab计算机视觉断裂裂缝识别【含Matlab源码 2049期】


1 案例背景

2 理论基础
2.1 图像灰度化
自然界中绝大部分的可见光谱均能通过红®、绿(G)、蓝(B)三色光按不同比例和强度进行混合而得到, 我们将其称为RGB色彩模式。该模式以RGB模型为基础, 对图像的每个像素值的RGB分量均分配一个Uint 8类型(0~255) 的强度值。例如, 纯红色的R值为255, G值为0, B值为0; 品红色的R值为255, G值为0, B值为255。RGB图像的红、绿、蓝分量各占8位,因此是24位图像,并且不同亮度的基色混合后,会产生出256x256x 256-16777216种颜色。RGB模型图形化表示如图所示。


假设F(i, j) 为RGB模型中的某像素, 若其3种基色的亮度值相等, 则会产生灰度颜色,将该R=G=B的值称为灰度值(或者称为强度值、亮度值)。因此,灰度图像就是包含多个量化灰度级的图像。假设该灰度级用Uint 8类型数值表示, 则图像的灰度级就是256(即2°=256)。本案例所选择的灰度图像灰度级均为256,其像素灰度值为0~255的某个值,当亮度值都是255时产生纯白色,当亮度值都是0时产生纯黑色,并且亮度从0到255呈现逐渐增加的趋势。RGB图像包含了由红、绿、蓝三种分量组成的大量的色彩信息, 灰度图像只有亮度信息而没有色彩信息。针对路面裂缝图像的检测要求,一般需要去除不必要的色彩信息, 将所采集到的RGB图像转换为灰度图像。RGB图像的灰度化方法有以下几种。






选取像素F(i,j)的R、G、B分量的亮度加权均值作为该像素的灰度值,权值的选取一般是根据分量的重要性等指标,将3个分量以加权平均的方式进行计算得到灰度值。人眼在视觉主观上一般对绿色分量敏感度较高, 对蓝色分量敏感度较低, 因此对RGB三分量进行加权平均能得到较合理的灰度图像,常用的计算公式如下:


2.2 图像滤波


2.3 图像增强
2.4 图像二值化



3 程序实现


function [PC, or, ft, T] = phasecongmono(varargin)

% Get arguments and/or default values    获取参数和/或认值
[im, nscale, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf, k, ...
 noiseMethod, cutOff, g, deviationGain] = checkargs(varargin(:));  

epsilon         = .0001;            % Used to prevent division by zero.用于防止除零。

[rows,cols] = size(im);
IM = perfft2(im);                   % Periodic Fourier transform of image图像的周期性傅里叶变换

sumAn  = zeros(rows,cols);          % Matrix for accumulating filter response
                                    % amplitude values.用于累积滤波器响应振幅值的矩阵。
sumf   = zeros(rows,cols);                                  
sumh1  = zeros(rows,cols);                                      
sumh2  = zeros(rows,cols);                                          

% Generate grid data for constructing filters in the frequency domain 
[radius, u1, u2] = filtergrid(rows, cols);    

% Get rid of the 0 radius value in the middle (at top left corner after
% fftshifting) so that taking the log of the radius, or dividing by the
% radius, will not cause trouble.摆脱中间的0半径值(在fftshifting之后的左上角),
radius(1,1) = 1;

% Construct the monogenic filters in the frequency domain.  The two
% filters would normally be constructed as follows在频域构建单基因滤波器。 两个滤波器通常如下构造
%    H1 = i*u1./radius; 
%    H2 = i*u2./radius;
% However the two filters can be packed together as a complex valued
% matrix, one in the real part and one in the imaginary part.  Do this by
% multiplying H2 by i and then adding it to H1 (note the subtraction
% because i*i = -1).  When the convolution is performed via the fft the
% real part of the result will correspond to the convolution with H1 and
% the imaginary part with H2.  This allows the two convolutions to be
% done as one in the frequency domain, saving time and memory.
%通过将H2乘以i然后将其添加到H1(注意因为i * i = -1)的减法)来执行此操作。
%当通过fft执行卷积时,结果的实部将对应于具有H1和具有H2的虚部的卷积。 这允许两个卷积在频域中完成,从而节省时间和记忆。
H = (1i*u1 - u2)./radius;

% The two monogenic filters H1 and H2 are not selective in terms of the
% magnitudes of the frequencies.  The code below generates bandpass
% log-Gabor filters which are point-wise multiplied by IM to produce
% different bandpass versions of the image before being convolved with H1
% and H2两个单基因滤波器H1和H2在频率的幅度方面不是选择性的。

% First construct a low-pass filter that is as large as possible, yet falls
% away to zero at the boundaries.  All filters are multiplied by
% this to ensure no extra frequencies at the 'corners' of the FFT are
% incorporated as this can upset the normalisation process when
% calculating phase congruency
lp = lowpassfilter([rows,cols],.45,15);    % Radius .4, 'sharpness' 15锐度

for s = 1:nscale
    wavelength = minWaveLength*mult^(s-1);
    fo = 1.0/wavelength;                  % Centre frequency of filter.过滤器的中心频率。
    logGabor = exp((-(log(radius/fo)).^2) / (2 * log(sigmaOnf)^2));  
    logGabor = logGabor.*lp;              % Apply low-pass filter通过低通滤波器
    logGabor(1,1) = 0;                    % Set the value at the 0 frequency point of the 
                                          % filter back to zero (undo the radius fudge).

IMF = IM.*logGabor; % Bandpassed image in the frequency domain.频域中的带通图像。
f = real(ifft2(IMF)); % Bandpassed image in spatial domain.空间域中的带通图像。

    h = ifft2(IMF.*H);        % Bandpassed monogenic filtering, real part of h contains
                              % convolution result with h1, imaginary part
                              % contains convolution result with h2.带通式单基因过滤, h的实部包含h1的旋转结果,
    h1 = real(h); 
    h2 = imag(h);                                  
    An = sqrt(f.^2 + h1.^2 + h2.^2); % Amplitude of this scale component.该尺度下的振幅
    sumAn = sumAn + An;              % Sum of component amplitudes over scale.分量幅度的总和超过规模。
    sumf  = sumf  + f;
    sumh1 = sumh1 + h1;
    sumh2 = sumh2 + h2;  
    % At the smallest scale estimate noise characteristics from the
    % distribution of the filter amplitude responses stored in sumAn. 
    % tau is the Rayleigh parameter that is used to describe the
    % distribution.在最小尺度上估计来自存储在sumA中的滤波器幅度响应的分布的噪声特性。
    if s == 1 
        if noiseMethod == -1     % Use median to estimate noise statistics使用中位数估计噪声统计
            tau = median(sumAn(:))/sqrt(log(4));
        elseif noiseMethod == -2 % Use mode to estimate noise statistics使用模式估计噪声统计
            tau = rayleighmode(sumAn(:));
        maxAn = An;
        % Record maximum amplitude of components across scales.  This is needed
        % to determine the frequency spread weighting.记录尺度上组件的最大振幅。
        maxAn = max(maxAn,An);   
end   % For each scale

% Form weighting that penalizes frequency distributions that are
% particularly narrow.  Calculate fractional 'width' of the frequencies
% present by taking the sum of the filter response amplitudes and dividing
% by the maximum component amplitude at each point on the image.  If
% there is only one non-zero component width takes on a value of 0, if
% all components are equal width is 1.
%计算存在的频率的分数“宽度”。 如果只有一个非零分量宽度取值为0,如果所有分量相等,则宽度为1。
width = (sumAn./(maxAn + epsilon) - 1) / (nscale-1);    

% Now calculate the sigmoidal weighting function.现在计算sigmoidal 加权函数。
weight = 1.0 ./ (1 + exp( (cutOff - width)*g)); 

% Automatically determine noise threshold
% Assuming the noise is Gaussian the response of the filters to noise will
% form Rayleigh distribution.  We use the filter responses at the smallest
% scale as a guide to the underlying noise level because the smallest scale
% filters spend most of their time responding to noise, and only
% occasionally responding to features. Either the median, or the mode, of
% the distribution of filter responses can be used as a robust statistic to
% estimate the distribution mean and standard deviation as these are related
% to the median or mode by fixed constants.  The response of the larger
% scale filters to noise can then be estimated from the smallest scale
% filter response according to their relative bandwidths.
%只有 偶尔回应功能。滤波器响应分布的中值或模式可以用作鲁棒统计量来估计分布均值和标准偏差,
% This code assumes that the expected reponse to noise on the phase
% congruency calculation is simply the sum of the expected noise responses
% of each of the filters.  This is a simplistic overestimate, however these
% two quantities should be related by some constant that will depend on the
% filter bank being used.  Appropriate tuning of the parameter 'k' will
% allow you to produce the desired output. (though the value of k seems to
% be not at all critical)该代码假设在相位一致性计算上对噪声的预期响应仅仅是每个滤波器的预期噪声响应的总和。
%参数“k”的适当调整将允许您产生所需的输出。 (尽管k的价值似乎并不重要)

if noiseMethod >= 0     % We are using a fixed noise threshold我们正在使用固定噪声阈值
    T = noiseMethod;    % use supplied noiseMethod value as the threshold使用提供的噪声方法值作为阈值
    % Estimate the effect of noise on the sum of the filter responses as
    % the sum of estimated individual responses (this is a simplistic
    % overestimate). As the estimated noise response at succesive scales
    % is scaled inversely proportional to bandwidth we have a simple
    % geometric sum.估计噪声对过滤器响应的总和的影响作为估计的单个响应的总和(这是一个简单的过高估计)。
    totalTau = tau * (1 - (1/mult)^nscale)/(1-(1/mult));
    % Calculate mean and std dev from tau using fixed relationship使用这些参数和tau之间的固定关系计算tau的平均值和标准差。
    % between these parameters and tau. See
    % http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rayleighdistribution.html
    EstNoiseEnergyMean = totalTau*sqrt(pi/2);        % Expected mean and std
    EstNoiseEnergySigma = totalTau*sqrt((4-pi)/2);   % values of noise energy预期噪声能量的平均值和标准值
    T =  EstNoiseEnergyMean + k*EstNoiseEnergySigma; % Noise threshold噪声阈值

%------ Final computation of key quantities -------关键数量的最终计算

or = atan(-sumh2./sumh1);   % Orientation - this varies +/- pi/2方向
or(or<0) = or(or<0)+pi;     % Add pi to -ve orientation value so that all
                            % orientation values Now range 0 - pi将所有方向归入0到π中
or = fix(or/pi*180);        % Quantize to 0 - 180 degrees (for NONMAXSUP)量化到0 - 180度(对于NONMAXSUP)
ft = atan2(sumf,sqrt(sumh1.^2+sumh2.^2));  % Feature type - a phase angle特征类型 - 相位角
                                           % -pi/2 to pi/2.

energy =  sqrt(sumf.^2 + sumh1.^2 + sumh2.^2);  % Overall energy能量

% Compute phase congruency.  The original measure, 计算相位一致性
% PC = energy/sumAn 
% is proportional to the weighted cos(phasedeviation).  This is not very
% localised so this was modified to与加权cos(相位变化)成比例。 这不是很本地化,所以这被修改为
% PC = cos(phasedeviation) - |sin(phasedeviation)| 
% (Note this was actually calculated via dot and cross products.)  This measure
% approximates (注意,这实际上是通过点和交叉积来计算的。)这个度量近似
% PC = 1 - phasedeviation.  

% However, rather than use dot and cross products it is simpler and more
% efficient to simply use acos(energy/sumAn) to obtain the weighted phase
% deviation directly.  Note, in the expression below the noise threshold is
% not subtracted from energy immediately as this would interfere with the
% phase deviation computation.  Instead it is applied as a weighting as a
% fraction by which energy exceeds the noise threshold.  This weighting is
% applied in addition to the weighting for frequency spread.  Note also the
% phase deviation gain factor which acts to sharpen up the edge response. A
% value of 1.5 seems to work well.  Sensible values are from 1 to about 2.

%然而,不是使用点和交叉产品,而是更简单和更多有效地简单地使用acos(能量/ sumAn)直接获得加权相位偏差。
PC = weight.max(1 - deviationGainacos(energy./(sumAn + epsilon)),0) …
.* max(energy-T,0)./(energy+epsilon);

% Function to process the arguments that have been supplied, assign
% default values as needed and perform basic checks.
% 处理提供的参数的功能,根据需要分配认值并执行基本检查。
function [im, nscale, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf, …
k, noiseMethod, cutOff, g, deviationGain] = checkargs(arg)

nargs = length(arg);

if nargs < 1
    error('No image supplied as an argument');

% Set up default values for all arguments and then overwrite them
% with with any new values that may be supplied
im              = [];
nscale          = 4;     % Number of wavelet scales.  小波尺度  
minWaveLength   = 3;     % Wavelength of smallest scale filter. 最小尺度小波的波长   
mult            = 2.1;   % Scaling factor between successive filters. 连续滤波器之间的缩放因子。   
sigmaOnf        = 0.55;  % Ratio of the standard deviation of the
                         % Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's
                         % transfer function in the frequency domain
                         % to the filter center frequency.    
                         %描述频域中的log Gabor滤波器传递函数的高斯标准偏差与滤波器中心频率的比率。
k               = 3.0;   % No of standard deviations of the noise
                         % energy beyond the mean at which we set the
                         % noise threshold point. 
noiseMethod     = -1;    % Use the median response of smallest scale
                         % filter to estimate noise statistics
cutOff          = 0.5;
g               = 10;
deviationGain   = 1.5;

% Allowed argument reading states允许参数阅读状态
allnumeric   = 1;       % Numeric argument values in predefined order
keywordvalue = 2;       % Arguments in the form of string keyword
                        % followed by numeric value
readstate = allnumeric; % Start in the allnumeric state

if readstate == allnumeric
    for n = 1:nargs
        if isa(arg{n},'char')
            readstate = keywordvalue;
            if     n == 1, im            = arg{n}; 
            elseif n == 2, nscale        = arg{n};              
            elseif n == 3, minWaveLength = arg{n};
            elseif n == 4, mult          = arg{n};
            elseif n == 5, sigmaOnf      = arg{n};
            elseif n == 6, k             = arg{n};              
            elseif n == 7, cutOff        = arg{n};              
            elseif n == 8, g             = arg{n};
            elseif n == 9, deviationGain = arg{n};
            elseif n == 10, noiseMethod  = arg{n};              

% Code to handle parameter name - value pairs代码来处理参数名称 - 值对
if readstate == keywordvalue
    while n < nargs
        if ~isa(arg{n},'char') || ~isa(arg{n+1}, 'double')
            error('There should be a parameter name - value pair');
        if     strncmpi(arg{n},'im'      ,2),      im =            arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'nscale'  ,2),      nscale =        arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'minWaveLength',2), minWaveLength = arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'mult'    ,2),      mult =          arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'sigmaOnf',2),      sigmaOnf =      arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'k'       ,1),      k =             arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'cutOff'    ,2),    cutOff =        arg{n+1}; 
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'g'       ,1),      g =             arg{n+1};
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'deviation',3),     deviationGain = arg{n+1}; 
        elseif strncmpi(arg{n},'noisemethod',3),   noiseMethod =   arg{n+1}; 
        else   error('Unrecognised parameter name');

        n = n+2;
        if n == nargs
            error('Unmatched parameter name - value pair');

if isempty(im)
    error('No image argument supplied');

if ndims(im) == 3
    warning('Colour image supplied: converting image to greyscale...')
    im = double(rgb2gray(im));

if ~isa(im, 'double')
    im = double(im);

if nscale < 1
    error('nscale must be an integer >= 1');

if minWaveLength < 2
    error('It makes little sense to have a wavelength < 2');




1 matlab版本

2 参考文献
[1]陈健昌,张志华.融于图像多特征的路面裂缝智能化识别[J].科学技术与工程. 2021,21(24)

3 备注

