【 SQL引擎 - analyze.cpp分析】

sql引擎 - analyze.cpp分析



sql引擎主要包括查询解析(parser)、查询分流(traffic cop)、查询优化(optimizer)、查询执行(executor)。parser源码目录为/src/common/backend/parser:



对于可优化语句,我们小心翼翼地在每个引用的表上获取合适的锁,后端的其他模块会根据结果保留或重新获取这些锁。因此,可以对这些语句进行重要的语义分析。对于实用程序命令,这里没有获得锁(如果有的话,我们不能确定在执行时我们是否仍然拥有它们)。因此,实用程序命令的一般规则是将它们转储到未转换的查询节点中。 DECLARE CURSOR、EXPLAIN 和 CREATE TABLE AS 是例外,因为它们包含我们应该转换的可优化语句。

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * analyze.cpp
 * /*将原始解析树转换为查询树*/
 *	  transform the raw parse tree into a query tree
 * For optimizable statements, we are careful to obtain a suitable lock on
 * each referenced table, and other modules of the backend preserve or
 * re-obtain these locks before depending on the results.  It is therefore
 * okay to do significant semantic analysis of these statements.  For
 * utility commands, no locks are obtained here (and if they were, we Could
 * not be sure we'd still have them at execution).  Hence the general rule
 * for utility commands is to just dump them into a Query node untransformed.
 * DECLARE CURSOR, EXPLAIN, and CREATE TABLE AS are exceptions because they
 * contain optimizable statements, which we should transform.

 * Portions copyright (c) 1996-2012, Postgresql Global Development Group
 * Portions copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * Portions copyright (c) 2021, openGauss Contributors
 *	src/common/backend/parser/analyze.cpp
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * /*解析分析*/
 * parse_analyze
 *     /*分析原始解析树并将其转换为查询形式。*/
 *		Analyze a raw parse tree and transform it to Query form.
 * /*可选地,可以提供有关 $n 参数类型的信息。不允许引用未由 paramTypes[] 定义的 $n 索引。*/
 * Optionally, information about $n parameter types can be supplied.
 * References to $n indexes not defined by paramTypes[] are disallowed.
  /*结果是一个查询节点。可优化的语句需要相当多的转换,而实用程序类型的语句只是挂起一个虚拟 CMD_UTILITY 查询节点。*/
 * The result is a Query node.	Optimizable statements require considerable
 * transformation, while utility-type statements are simply hung off
 * a dummy CMD_UTILITY Query node.

Query* parse_analyze(
    Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid* paramTypes, int numParams, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
    ParseState* pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
    Query* query = NULL;

    /* 自8.4起需要 , 丢出一个断言报告*/
    AssertEreport(sourceText != NULL, MOD_OPT, "para cannot be NULL");

    pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;

    if (numParams > 0) {
        parse_fixed_parameters(pstate, paramTypes, numParams);

    query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

    /* 处理插件钩子是不安全的,因为动态库可能会被释放 */
    if (post_parse_analyze_hook && !(g_instance.status > NoShutdown)) {
        (*post_parse_analyze_hook)(pstate, query);


    /* 对于 plpy CTAS 查询。 CTAS 是递归调用。CREATE 查询是第一个重写的。
     * 第二个重写的查询是 INSERT SELECT。 没有这个属性数据库将有分析 INSERT SELECT 查询时不知道 $x 的错误。
    query->fixed_paramTypes = paramTypes;
    query->fixed_numParams = numParams;

    return query;
 * /*解析分析投影架*/
 * parse_analyze_varparams
 * /*
 * 		当可以推断有关 $n 的信息时使用此变体来自上下文的符号数据类型。
 * 		传入的 paramTypes[] 数组可以被修改或扩大(通过 repalloc)。
 * */
 * This variant is used when it's okay to deduce information about $n
 * symbol datatypes from context.  The passed-in paramTypes[] array can
 * be modified or enlarged (via repalloc).
Query* parse_analyze_varparams(Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid** paramTypes, int* numParams)
    ParseState* pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
    Query* query = NULL;

    /* 自8.4起需要 , 丢出一个断言报告 */
    AssertEreport(sourceText != NULL, MOD_OPT, "para cannot be NULL");
    pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;

    parse_variable_parameters(pstate, paramTypes, numParams);

    query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree);

    /* 确保参数类型一切正常 */
    check_variable_parameters(pstate, query);

    /* 处理插件钩子是不安全的,因为动态库可能会被释放 */
    if (post_parse_analyze_hook && !(g_instance.status > NoShutdown)) {
        (*post_parse_analyze_hook)(pstate, query);


    return query;

 */* 解析分析子结构 */
 * parse_sub_analyze
 *     /*递归分析子语句的入口点。*/
 *		Entry point for recursively analyzing a sub-statement.
Query* parse_sub_analyze(Node* parseTree, ParseState* parentParseState, CommonTableExpr* parentCTE,
    bool locked_from_parent, bool resolve_unkNowns)
    ParseState* pstate = make_parsestate(parentParseState);
    Query* query = NULL;

    pstate->p_parent_cte = parentCTE;
    pstate->p_locked_from_parent = locked_from_parent;
    pstate->p_resolve_unkNowns = resolve_unkNowns;
    if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.td_compatible_truncation && u_sess->attr.attr_sql.sql_compatibility == C_FORMAT)
        set_subquery_is_under_insert(pstate); /* 为解析状态设置 p_is_in_insert。 */

    query = transformStmt(pstate, parseTree);


    return query;

