Using the WebService Behavior

Using the WebService Behavior

This article explains how to use the WebService behavior to call remote methods from Web Services. The WebService behavior is implemented with an HTML Component (HTC) file as an attached behavior,so it can be used in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and later versions. Most of this article focuses on how to use the WebService behavior,but it also touches briefly on Web Services that are used by the WebService behavior. The About the WebService Behavior provides additional discussion and information on the main benefits and features of the WebService behavior; it also provides numerous links to related Web sites.

The following topics are discussed in this document.


This section defines certain terms that are used frequently in this article.

Web Service Programmable application logic accessible using standard Internet protocols. Web Services provide well-defined interfaces,or contracts,that describe the services provided. The WebService behavior uses Web Services.
WebService behavior The primary subject of this article. A reusable DHTML component that uses Web Services by communicating over HTTP using SOAP.
callService method One of the methods exposed by the WebService behavior.
method call The invocation of a method.

Attaching the WebService Behavior

The first step in using the WebService behavior is to attach it to an element using the STYLE attribute. It is also necessary to set the id attribute so that this element can be easily referenced in script,as shown in the following example.

<div id="service" style="behavior:url("></div>

This is all that's needed to attach the behavior to the document. The behavior can also be applied using other variations of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) style sheet Syntax. To begin working with the WebService behavior,it is easiest to download the WebService HTC File 

World Wide Web link

and copy it to the same directory as the Web page that uses the behavior. By referencing a local file,any Dynamic HTML (DHTML) behavior-related cross-domain security issues are avoided,and the WebService HTC File download is invisible to the client.

The next topic explains how to initialize the behavior and identify any Web Services that will be used by the Web page.

Identifying Web Services

Any given Web Service exists at a specific URL,so the WebService behavior provides the useService method to map the Web Service URL to a FriendlyName,which is passed as a parameter to the method. After this method has been called,the friendly name for the Web Service can be used directly in script to reference the Web Service URL,which helps to keep the script code readable and as simple as possible.

The basic Syntax of the useService method is as follows:


The id that the useService method is applied on is the value of the id attribute specified on the HTML tag to which the behavior is attached. Based on the preceding behavior attachment sample,the following code example shows how the useService method can be coded.


The specification of the ?WSDL query string at the end of the URL means that a Web Services DeFinition Language file describes the Web Service. The WSDL file consists of XML file with a .xsd file extension. This WSDL file describes the Web Service class,which is referenced in script by the friendly name MyMath. The WebService behavior supports WSDL version 1.1,see Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1 

World Wide Web link

for more information.

Once the useService method has been called,the Web Service can be addressed by its friendly name MyMath. It is recommended that the friendly name used in the client script matches the class name that implements the methods being called,but this is not a requirement. To ensure that the useService method works correctly,it should be placed inside a handler for the onload event,so that the first attempt to call a method in the behavior only occurs after the page has been downloaded and parsed. The code placed inside this handler may define friendly names for one or more Web Services. The following sample shows how this can be accomplished.

<script language="JavaScript">
function init()
<body onload="init()">
<div id="service" style="behavior:url(">
Note  The current implementation of the WebService behavior requires that the Web Services being referenced directly by the useService method reside on the same domain as the Web server that delivers the Web page.

As shown in the preceding sample,each call to useService is applied with the same attached behavior,and each line of code uses the id of the tag to which the behavior is attached. In this example,a div element is used—but any HTML element can be used. The ServiceURL points to the URL of a Web Service,which implements one or more methods. When the useService method is called,the behavior associates the ServiceURL with the friendly name MyMath.

When the useService method is called,the behavior downloads the SDL description for the Web Service,so that it has all the information it requires to construct the appropriate method calls. Because the friendly names are defined before making calls to useService,performance is somewhat improved when the method call is actually made,because by that time the behavior has already obtained the Web Service description.

It is quite possible that two different Web Services Could each have the same name,even though the URL is unique. Indeed,it is certain that this will commonly occur once a large enough number of Web Services exist. It's also quite possible for such services to have similar classes and methods. The useService method avoids namespace conflicts by specifying a unique friendly name for each service,as shown in the following:


In the prevIoUs sample,two calls to useService are made to a service named MyMath,so unique friendly names for each service are chosen. If the same friendly name for the Web Service had been specified in each call to useService,the last executed call would have overridden the settings from the prevIoUs one.

In the example so far,a hypothetical Service is being accessed to call methods from a simple math class,which in this case is implemented with C#. The class implements two methods,which add or subtract two integers. The contents of the math.asmx file are shown as follows:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" class=MyMath %>

using System;
using System.Web.Services;

public class MyMath {

   public int add(int a,int b)
       return a + b;

   public int subtract(int a,int b)
       return a - b;

Note  Two of the simplest possible methods are implemented in this example. Each method in the class MyMath is identified as a WebMethod.

Calling Methods on Web Services

Once the behavior has been attached to the document and the friendly name for at least one WebService has been defined,the callService method can be used to invoke methods.

Due to the stateless nature of HTTP,the WebService behavior communicates with Web Services asynchronously. In many cases,it is necessary to identify each call to the Web Service uniquely,as generally each method call can return a different result. This is why the callService method returns a unique value when it is invoked,so that the returned result can be identified with a specific instance of a method call. Here's the basic Syntax for callService.

The WebService behavior enables both synchronous and asynchronous remote procedure calls to Web Services. By default,the asynchronous mode of remote method invocation is used. The async property of the call object is used to control the mode of invocation. In most cases,this is the best way to use the WebService behavior,and therefore,most of the emphasis of this article is on asynchronous method invocation. The synchronous approach of remote method invocation is discussed in Synchronous Method Invocation.

iCallID = id.FriendlyName.callService([CallbackHandler,] "MethodName",Param1,Param2,...);

The callService method has an optional first parameter that specifies a callback handler function to process the results received from the method call. If no callback handler is specified,then the event handler for the onresult event is used. The onresult event is fired by the WebService behavior once the result of the remote call has completed. Both approaches are explained in Handling Results from WebService Calls.

Continuing with the sample,the following approach can be used to return a unique value from a call to a Web Service method named add.

<script language="JavaScript">
var iCallID;
iCallID = service.MyMath.callService("add",5,6);
Note  Because the callService method does not return the result from the add function immediately,call returns a unique identifier that is stored in the variable iCallID in the preceding example. The value of this identifier enables the positive identification of a particular result.

The prevIoUs sample shows how callService can be used to invoke the add method,which simply adds up two numbers. Notice that the callService to the add method does not specify a type or a parameter name for the returned result. The class deFinition is done in the Web Service,using the Service Description Language (SDL) format to specify the XML grammar that represents the capabilities exposed by the Service. SDL uses XML grammar to describe the methods being exposed by the Web Service,so that third parties can obtain information and call methods from Web Services in a consistent manner.

In summary,three types of parameters can be specified by call; the first is the Method Name,the second is an optional parameter to specify the name of a callback handler function,and the remaining parameters are passed directly into the method on the Web Service and depend entirely on the method being called. If a more complex data structure needs to be passed to a method,this can be accomplished by specifying an object as one of the parameters.

Handling Results from WebService Calls

The callService method initiates an asynchronous communication between the WebService behavior and the Web Service. Eventually the Web Service responds,or a time-out error occurs in the WebService behavior. In either case,the result of the call should be processed by an event handler or callback function to determine whether an error occurred and to evaluate and interpret the results. Each technique is presented and explained in the following section.

Obtaining Results with the onresult Event

When the WebService behavior has received the XML data packets containing the results from a prevIoUs call,it fires an onresult event. It will only fire this event if a callback function was not specified in the callService method. The onresult event has an event object,which contains a number of important properties. These properties fall into two categories,the first containing the results,assuming a method was called successfuly,and the second set providing information on errors. Each property is described in The result Object.

The following code shows how the onresult event handler can be used to interpret the results from Web Service calls. In the sample code,the iCallID variable has global scope and contains a unique value that is returned from the method callService. The iCallID variable stores the unique value of the call,which is later tested in the onWSresult function in two places to see if its value matches with the property. The other conditional expressions test for an error,as indicated by comments in the code.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
// All these variables must be global,// because they are used in both init() and onresult().
var iCallID = 0;
var intA = 5;
var intB = 6;

function init()
    // Establish the friendly name "MyMath" for the WebServiceURL
    // The following method doesn't specify a callback handler,so onWSresult() is used
    iCallID = service.MyMath.callService("add",intA,intB);

function onWSresult()
    // if there is an error,and the call came from the call() in init()
        // Pull the error information from the event.result.errorDetail properties
        var xfaultcode   = event.result.errorDetail.code;
        var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string;
        var xfaultsoap   = event.result.errorDetail.raw;
        // Add code to handle specific error codes here
    // if there was no error,and the call came from the call() in init()
    else if((!event.result.error) && (iCallID ==
        // Show the arithmetic!
        alert(intA + ' + ' + intB + ' = ' + event.result.value);
        alert("Something else fired the event!");
<body onload="init()">
<div id="service" style="behavior:url(" onresult="onWSresult()">
Note  If event.result.error is false,then the errorDetail properties are undefined.

Obtaining Results with a Callback Function

The following code shows how a method call can be made using the callback function to handle the results.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
// All these variables must be global,// because they are used in both init() and onResult().
var iCallID = 0;
var intA = 5;
var intB = 6;

function init()
    // Establish the friendly name "MyMath" for the WebServiceURL
    // The following uses a callback handler named "mathResults"
    iCallID = service.MyMath.callService(mathResults,"add",intB);

function mathResults(result)
    // if there is an error,and the call came from the call() in init()
        // Pull the error information from the event.result.errorDetail properties
        var xfaultcode   = result.errorDetail.code;
        var xfaultstring = result.errorDetail.string;
        var xfaultsoap   = result.errorDetail.raw;

        // Add code to handle specific error codes here
    // if there was no error
        // Show the arithmetic
        alert(intA + ' + ' + intB + " = " + result.value);
<body onload="init()">
<div id="service" style="behavior:url(">
Note  If result.error is false,then the errorDetail properties are undefined.

As you can see,the two versions of code are quite similar. The main difference is that the callback approach doesn't use the event object to obtain the results. Instead,the callback function receives a parameter containing the results. In the example the object is named result,and this object exposes the same set of properties as the event.result object used in Obtaining Results with the onresult Event.

In summary,three different types of parameters can be specified in the callService method. The first is an optional parameter specifying the name of the callback function,second is the name of the method being called,and the remaining parameters are passed directly as arguments of the method being called in the Web Service.

Choosing an Approach

There are certain issues to consider before deciding whether it is preferable to use the onresult event or a callback function to handle the returned value from the method call. Callbacks and events are quite different approaches,and you should select the approach that best fits the needs of the application. The main difference between events and callbacks is that an event is essentially an anonymous broadcast and can be picked up by any function that "listens" for it.

There are several scenarios where multiple behaviors might be attached to a page,each performing a particular function,possibly with events firing from one of more of these components. In such a situation,callback functions with specific names would be recommended because this would help to avoid any possible confusion that might arise if two components are designed with the same named event. This is a general comment about using behaviors and is not specific in any way to using the WebService behavior.

Callbacks can be more work to code initially but may be preferable in many scenarios. For example,several callback handlers can be created to handle distinctly different calls being made to Web Services that return completely different types of result. In such cases,it may be too cumbersome to combine the code logic in a single event handler. In other situations,using a single event handler to manage all the permutations might be preferable.

The result Object

Whether an event handler or a callback function is used to interpret results,an object containing results data is generated whenever callService is invoked. As shown in the preceding examples,the result object is referenced as event.result or as the name of the parameter being passed to the user-defined callback function. Using either approach the result object exposes several properties.

When scripting with the behavior,using either method of result handling,the error property should be checked to determine if the remote method invocation was processed succesfully. It is always good programming practice to verify a function call.

If an error or problem is encountered for a method call,the error property is true and the errorDetail is generated at runtime. The errorDetail object exposes several properties,which can be evaluated to diagnose the error.

The Call Object

The call object has several properties that can be used to define parameters that may be required when using certain Web services. These properties are discussed in this section.

Synchronous Method Invocation

The callService method is processed asynchronously by default. Therefore,in order to process methods synchronously,it is necessary to set the Boolean async property to false.


The userName and password properties can be used when calling a Web Service that requires basic authentication.

Port Naming

The portName property can be used when it is necessary to define the port name of a Web Service.

The following sample code shows how a synchronous method call can be made using the call object. In the code,all the optional parameters are specified.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
var iCallID;

function init()
    var callObj = new Object();
    callObj.funcName = "add";      // Name of the remote function.
    callObj.portName = "Port1";    // Name of the port.
    callObj.async = false;         // A Boolean that specifies the type of call
    callObj.timeout = 120;         // Timeout value for the method call (seconds)
    callObj.userName = "guest"     // Basic authorization username
    callObj.password = "something" // Basic authorization password
    // SOAP header information
    callObj.soAPHeader = "<SOAP-ENV:Header>";
    callObj.soAPHeader += "<t:Transaction xmlns:t='some-URI' SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand='1'>";
    callObj.soAPHeader += 5;
    callObj.soAPHeader += "</t:Transaction>";  
    callObj.soAPHeader += "</SOAP-ENV:Header>";  

    // Establish the friendly name "MyMath" for the WebServiceURL
    service.useService("/services/math.asmx?WSDL",callObj,and the call came from the call() in init()
        // Pull the error information from the event.result.errorDetail properties
        var xfaultcode   = result.errorDetail.code;
        var xfaultstring = result.errorDetail.string;
        var xfaultsoap   = result.errorDetail.raw;

    // if there was no error
        // Show the arithmetic
        alert(intA + ' + ' + intB + " = " + result.value);
<body onload="init()">
<div id="service" style="behavior:url(">

SSL Authentication

In certain Web applications,especially those managing personal or financial information,Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication is used to verify the identity of the caller. In a scenario where a portfolio is being managed over the Web,for example,an update to a user's account information can require several calls to the Web service.

The use of Web services over HTTP is stateless,and,therefore,each remote method call to a Web service using SSL causes a request for authentication. In scenarios where several calls are made,repeated requests for authentication result in a frustrating and impractical user experience.

The WebService behavior does not persist SSL authentication data by default. However,the behavior does provide a useOptions object,which can be used to avoid the repetition of authentication challenges. When a uSEOptions object is created with the appropriate settings,the SSL authentication information for each method call is persisted.

The uSEOptions object is created by calling the createUseOptions method. The uSEOptions object exposes the Boolean property,reuseConnection,which must be set to true in order for SSL authentication data to be persisted for each call to a Web service. Once the uSEOptions object has been created with the appropriate settings,the uSEOptions object is passed as a parameter to the useService method. For more information and code samples illustrating this technique,see the createUseOptions method.

Calling Methods on Remote Servers

Using the WebService behavior,it is not possible to call a remote method directly on a server that resides in a different domain from the server hosting the Web page. However,Web servers can communicate directly with other Web servers,even if they reside in different domains. Therefore,it is possible to use the Web server that is hosting the Web page as a proxy to other Web servers,as a means for the WebService behavior to access resources on remote domains. The following diagram illustrates how WebService calls can be passed to Remote Servers.

WebService Security

The WebService behavior uses a trusted Microsoft ActiveX object to communicate with Web Services. Provided that the client allows trusted ActiveX controls,which are allowed by default in Internet Explorer,the WebService behavior can communicate with Web Services. However,if specific browser settings prevent trusted controls from running,the WebService behavior will not function.

To configure a page that uses the WebService behavior to call methods from remote Web Services,the Web server delivering pages to the client must act as a proxy for Web Services residing elsewhere. The following code shows how a remote method on another server can be called.

public int Add(int a,int b)
    // establishes an object to call a remote
    // method implemented by Remote Server B
    MyMath m=new MyMath();
    return m.Add(a,b);

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