

#include <iostream.h>
int min(int x,int y) //function min(x as integer,y as integer) as integer
int z;
if (x < y) //if x < y then
{z = x; //z = x
} //usually '{' and '}' are not exist in the same line.
else //else
z = y; //z = y
} //end if
return(z); //min = z
} //end function

int max(int x,int y) //this is a function,not a sentence
int z; //this is a sentence,must end with ';'
if (x>y) z=x;//also if (x > y) z = x ; space is not influenced
else z=y; //equals to else'/n'{z=y;} C++ is not so strict as C

void main()
int a,b,m,n;
cout <<"please enter two integers:/n"; //"string" & 'chr' string is a collected of chr
cin >>a >>b;
m = max(a,b);
n = min(a,b);
cout <<"the maximum number is " <<m <<'/n';
cout <<"the minimum number is " <<n <<'/n';


function min(x as integer,y as integer) as integer

dim z as integer

if x< y then 'if x < y then z = x else z = y

z = x


z = y

end if

end function

private sub command1_click

dim a as integer,b as integer

a = val(text1.text)

b = val(text2.text)

me.print "最小值为:" + str(min(a,b)) + "." 'VB无论字符还是字符串都是""

end sub


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