02-01 控制AutoCAD环境一 控制应用程序窗口

Control the AutoCAD Environment


This chapter describes the fundamentals for developing an application that runs in-process with AutoCAD. It explains many of the concepts to control and work effectively with the AutoCAD environment.


Topics in this section


Control the Application Window 控制应用程序窗口

Control the Drawing Windows 控制图形窗口 Create,Open,Save,and Close Drawings 创建、打开、保存和关闭图形 Lock and Unlock a Document 锁定和解锁文档 Set AutoCAD Preferences 设置AutoCAD选项 Set and Return System Variables 设置和返回系统变量 Draw with Precision 精确制图 Prompt for User Input 提示用户输入 Access the AutoCAD Command Line访问AutoCAD命令行

Control the Application Window

控制应用程序窗口The ability to control the Application window allows developers the flexibility to create effective and intelligent applications. There will be times when it is appropriate for your application to minimize the AutoCAD window,perhaps while your code is performing work in another application such as Microsoft® Excel®. Additionally,you will often want to verify the state of the AutoCAD window before performing such tasks as prompting for input from the user.

控制AutoCAD应用程序窗口的能力让开发人员可以灵活地创建高效智能的应用程序。比如有时我们需要在程序中适时地最小化AutoCAD窗口,也许此时我们的代码正在使用其他应用程序如Excel处理任务。又比如,我们在执行像提示用户输入这样的任务前,经常需要确认AutoCAD窗口的状态。Using methods and properties found on the Application object,you can change the position,size,and visibility of the Application window. You can also use the WindowState property to minimize,maximize,and check the current state of the Application window.


Position and size the Application window 设置应用程序窗口位置和大小

This example uses the Location and Size properties to position the AutoCAD Application window in the upper-left corner of the screen and size it to 400 pixels wide by 400 pixels high.


Note The following examples require that the PresentationCore (PresentationCore.dll) library to be referenced to the project. Use the Add Reference dialog Box and select PresentationCore from the .NET tab.



Imports System.Drawing

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

<CommandMethod("Positionapplicationwindow")> _

Public Sub Positionapplicationwindow()

'' Set the position of the Application window

Dim ptApp As Point = New Point(0,0)

Application.MainWindow.Location = ptApp

'' Set the size of the Application window

Dim szApp As Size = New Size(400,400)

Application.MainWindow.Size = szApp

End Sub


using System.Drawing;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;


public static void Positionapplicationwindow()


// Set the position of the Application window

// 设置应用程序窗口位置

Point ptApp = new Point(0,0);

Application.MainWindow.Location = ptApp;

// Set the size of the Application window

// 设置应用程序窗口大小

Size szApp = new Size(400,400);

Application.MainWindow.Size = szApp;


VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

Sub Positionapplicationwindow()

'' Set the position of the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.WindowTop = 0

ThisDrawing.Application.WindowLeft = 0

'' Set the size of the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.width = 400

ThisDrawing.Application.height = 400

End Sub

Minimize and maximize the Application window 最小化和最大化应用程序窗口


Imports System.Drawing

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows

<CommandMethod("MinMaxapplicationwindow")> _

Sub MinMaxapplicationwindow()

'' Minimize the Application window

Application.MainWindow.WindowState = Window.State.Minimized


'' Maximize the Application window

Application.MainWindow.WindowState = Window.State.Maximized


End Sub


using System.Drawing;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows;


public static void MinMaxapplicationwindow()


// Minimize the Application window最小化应用程序窗口

Application.MainWindow.WindowState = Window.State.Minimized;






// Maximize the Application window最大化应用程序窗口

Application.MainWindow.WindowState = Window.State.Maximized;



Sub MinMaxapplicationwindow()

'' Minimize the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.WindowState = acMin

MsgBox "Minimized"

'' Maximize the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.WindowState = acMax

MsgBox "Maximized"

End Sub

Find the current state of the Application window 获取应用程序窗口当前状态This example queries the state of the Application window and displays the state in a message Box to the user.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows

<CommandMethod("CurrentwindowState")> _

Public Sub CurrentwindowState()

System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The application window is " + _


"Window State")

End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows;


public static void CurrentwindowState()


System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The application window is " +


"Window State");


Sub CurrentwindowState()

Dim CurrWindowState As Integer

Dim msg As String

CurrWindowState = ThisDrawing.Application.WindowState

msg = Choose(CurrWindowState,"normal",_


MsgBox "The application window is " + msg

End Sub

Make the Application window invisible and visible 使应用程序窗口不可见和可见The following code uses the Visible property to make the AutoCAD application invisible and then visible again.



Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows

<CommandMethod("HideWindowState")> _

Public Sub HideWindowState()

'' Hide the Application window

Application.MainWindow.Visible = False


'' Show the Application window

Application.MainWindow.Visible = True


End Sub


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.applicationservices;

using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows;


public static void HideWindowState()


// Hide the Application window隐藏应用程序窗口

Application.MainWindow.Visible = false;


// Show the Application window显示应用程序窗口

Application.MainWindow.Visible = true;



Sub HideWindowState()

'' Hide the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.Visible = False

MsgBox "Invisible"

'' Show the Application window

ThisDrawing.Application.Visible = True

MsgBox "Visible"

End Sub


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