Using VB.NET 2008 DLL as a COM DLL

Let us kNow your VB2008 edition. Is it the Express or other edition?

I think that ' Register for COM Interop' option and ComClass template should be supplied VS2008 standard edition and higher edition. I use VS team system 2008 and have these features.

If you use VB Express,you also can implement your requirement to decorate the interface and class with some attributes so that this .NET component can be used as one COM component. Please refer to the following articles for your reference:

1. Exposing COM interfaces of a .NET class library for Late Binding
An article on how to expose COM interfaces for .NET components to be used by clients using Late Binding.

2. E xposing .NET Components to COM
A method of calling .NET functions from a COM enabled non .NET environment through a COM callable wrapper.

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