vb.net – 不使用WS_EX_TOOLWIN隐藏表单的任务栏按钮


如果我在运行时将表单切换到工具窗口,表单蒙皮会被填满.从Web上搜索,我发现VB有一个ShowInTaskbar属性,我想知道这是否符合我的要求,是否可以在Delphi 2006中实现.此项目也是COM服务器,没有MainForm等.

一个有趣的讨论这个确切的问题 here(从VB6 persepective).


“When you create a window,the taskbar
examines the window’s extended style
to see if either the WS_EX_APPWINDOW
(&H40000) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW (&H80)
style is turned on. If WS_EX_APPWINDOW
is turned on,the taskbar shows a
button for the window,and if WS_EX_
TOOLWINDOW is turned on,the taskbar
does not show a button for the window.
A window should never have both of
these extended styles. If the window
doesn’t have either of these styles,
the taskbar decides to create a button
if the window is uNowned and does not
create a button if the window is

Incidentally,you use the Getwindow API function with the GW_OWNER flag to determine whether a window is owned.


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