
Other1和Other2 Class的上一个属性的行为差异是什么?


Public Class Base
    Private _PrevIoUs as Base

    Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property PrevIoUs As Base
             Return _PrevIoUs 
         End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(PrevIoUs as Base)
         _PrevIoUs = PrevIoUs 
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Other1
    Inherits Base
    Private _Parent as SomeType

    Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property PrevIoUs As Base
             Return _Parent.PrevIoUs.something
         End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(Parent as SomeType)
        _Parent = Parent 
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Other2
    Inherits Base
    Private _Parent as SomeType

    Protected Overloads ReadOnly Property PrevIoUs As Other2
             Return _Parent.PrevIoUs.something
         End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(Parent as SomeType)
        _Parent = Parent 
    End Sub
End Class
在对我的评论 Jim Wooley’s answer之后,“看起来像阴影超载的属性”.我在 this article看到了光.


The confusion arises because the keyword “Overloads” isn’t what a C# programmer considers an overload in the Traditional OO sense. It’s a type of hiding that is specific to VB.Net. You can actually swap the keyword SHADOWS with OVERLOADS in most cases,and the behavior is the same. The difference is when you have a base class with multiple overloaded method signatures. If you declare a method in a subclass with a matching name,and the SHADOWS keyword,it will hide EVERY overload of that method in the base class. If you use the OVERLOADS keyword instead,it will only hide the base class method with an identical signature.


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