[Ubuntu]compile nodejs

I was trying to use chinese but my input program went down.

how to get code of nodejs

  1. go visit https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases,and you will find all versions of nodejs

  2. download on of them,lets say https://github.com/nodejs/node/releases/tag/v7.8.0

  3. and you will get a file node-7.8.0.tar.gz
  4. extract it to a path with only ascii codes say ~/sources/node-7.8.0
  5. cd into this folder
  6. run ./configure
  7. run make -j4
  8. run make install
  9. anything wrong,please goto https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues and search issues that you meet with and you will find a solution.
  10. if any doult,email: sunruiyeyipeng@163.com


原文连接:https://www.cnblogs.com/yasmi/p/5192694.html ...
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