Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3

Making amicroSDHC

The image can be directly written to a microSDHC using a utility likedd,but we preferddrescue(from thegddrescue,forexample:

sudo apt-get install gddrescue xz-utils
unxz ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspBerry-pi.img.xz
sudo ddrescue -D --force ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspBerry-pi.img /dev/sdx

The microSDHC may be presented on any/dev/sdXso use the commandlsblktocheck.

If you prefer a graphical tool we recommend usingGNOME Disksand theRestore disk Image…option,which natively supports XZ compressed images.

sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility


原文连接:https://www.cnblogs.com/yasmi/p/5192694.html ...
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