.NET Reactor v 19.01.08

.NET Reactor v 19.01.08 .NET Reactor is a powerful .NET code protection & license system which assists developers in protecting their .NET software. Developers are able to protect their software in a safe and simple way now. This way developers can focus more on development than on worrying how to protect their intellectual property. In contrast to obfuscators .NET Reactor completely stops any decompiling by mixing any pure .NET assembly (written in C#,VB.NET,Delphi.NET,J#,MSIL...) with native machine code. In detail,.NET Reactor builds a native wall between potential hackers and your .NET code. The result is a standard Windows based,not MSIL compatible,file. The original .NET code remains intact,well protected by native code and invisible for prying eyes. The original .NET code is not copied on harddisk at any time. There is no tool which is able to decompile .NET Reactor protected assemblies. .NET Reactor [] *19.01.08 - [+] Added option to control the level of Control Flow Obfuscation - [+] Preservation of Vista manifest resources - [+] Improved runtime behavior of trial locked assemblies - [+] Obfuscation adjustments - [+] NecroBit adjustments - [+] Minor GUI adjustments - [+] Internal protection improvements - [!] Fixed NecroBit issue - [!] Fixed Visual Studio 2008 Add-In issue http://www.eziriz.com/downloads/dotnet_reactor_setup.exe


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